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/ Cream of the Crop 21 / Cream of the Crop 21 (Terry Blount) (October 1996).iso / windows / pgpcrakw.zip / PHRASES.TXT < prev    next >
Text File  |  1996-04-27  |  91KB  |  6,081 lines

  1. 1-2-3
  2. 120 reset
  3. 20-GATE
  4. 473L Query
  5. :-)
  6. @-party
  7. A* search
  8. A-0
  9. A-language
  10. AAP DTD
  11. ACT ONE
  13. AI koan
  14. AI-complete
  15. ALGOL 58
  16. ALGOL 60
  17. ALGOL 60 Revised
  18. ALGOL 68
  19. ALGOL 68-R
  20. ALGOL 68C
  21. ALGOL 68RS
  22. ALGOL 68S
  23. ALGOL C
  24. ALGOL D
  25. ALGOL N
  26. ALGOL W
  27. ALGOL X
  28. ALGOL Y
  29. AMD Am2901
  30. AMD Am2903
  31. AMD Am2910
  32. AMPPL-II
  33. ANSI C
  34. ANSI Minimal BASIC
  35. ANSI Z39.50
  36. ANSI/SPARC Architecture
  37. ANU ML
  38. APX III
  40. ASCII art
  41. ASCIIbetical order
  42. AST Research
  43. AT-3
  45. Abstract Syntax
  46. Acceptable Use Policy
  47. Access Control List
  48. Access Protocol for Modems
  49. Acorn Archimedes
  50. Acorn Computer Group
  51. Acorn Computers Ltd.
  52. Acorn RISC Machine
  53. Active Language
  54. Ada 83
  55. Ada 9X
  56. Ada Software Repository
  57. Ada-O
  58. Adaptable User Interface
  59. Adaptive Communication Environment
  60. Adaptive Simulated Annealing
  61. Address Resolution Protocol
  62. Administrative Domain
  63. Advanced RISC Machine
  64. Advanced Research Projects Agency
  65. Advanced Technology Attachment
  66. Alan Kay
  67. Alan Turing
  68. Alcool-90
  69. Alpha AXP 21164
  70. Aluminum Book
  71. American Publishers
  72. Amiga E
  73. Andorra Kernel
  74. Andorra-I
  75. Andorra-Prolog
  76. Andrew File System
  77. Andrew Message System
  78. Andrew Project
  79. Andrew Toolkit
  80. Apple Computer Inc.
  81. Apple II
  82. Apple Macintosh
  83. AppleTalk Package
  84. Applesoft BASIC
  85. Application Binary Interface
  86. Application Control Architecture
  87. Application Integration
  88. Application Portability
  89. Application Program Interface
  90. Application Protocol Data Unit
  91. Application Service Element
  92. Application Visualisation System
  93. Application environment specification
  94. Applications Environment
  95. April Fool's Joke
  96. Artificial Intelligence Lab
  97. Association for Computational Linguistics
  98. Association for Computing
  99. Association for Progressive Communications
  100. Association of
  101. Asynchronous Transfer Mode
  102. Atlas Autocode
  103. Audio IFF
  104. Auto Idle
  105. Autodesk Inc.
  106. Automatic Repeat Request
  107. Autonomous System
  108. Autonomous System Number
  109. Avalon/Common LISP
  110. B-0
  111. B-LINE
  112. B-tree
  114. BASIC V
  115. BBC Microcomputer
  116. BBC Networking Club
  117. BC NELIAC
  118. BIG-LAN
  119. BLAZE 2
  120. BLISS-10
  121. BLISS-11
  122. BLISS-32
  123. BNR Pascal
  124. BNR Prolog
  125. Back N
  126. Backus Normal Form
  127. Backus-Naur
  128. Bad Thing
  129. Basic COBOL
  130. Basic Encoding Rules
  131. Basic Input/Output System
  132. Basic JOVIAL
  133. Basic Rate
  134. Bell Communications Research, Inc
  135. Bell Laboratories
  136. Bell Labs
  137. Berkeley 4.2
  138. Berkeley FP
  139. Berkeley Internet Name Domain
  140. Berkeley Logo
  141. Berkeley Network
  142. Berkeley Quality Software
  143. Berkeley System
  144. Berkeley Unix
  145. Bernstein condition
  146. Bertrand Meyer
  147. Big Gray Wall
  148. Big Red Switch
  149. Big Room
  150. Bill Gates
  151. Bill Joy
  152. Binhex 4.0
  153. Bird-Meertens
  154. Birds Of a Feather
  155. Bletchley Park
  156. Block Started by
  157. Bloggs Family, the
  158. Blue Book
  159. Blue Glue
  160. Boehm B.
  161. Bohr bug
  162. Bolt, Beranek and Newman Inc.
  163. Boolean algebra
  164. Border Gateway Protocol
  165. Bourne shell
  166. Boycott Apple
  167. British Broadcasting Corporation
  168. Brooks's Law
  169. Bulletin Board
  170. Burge's Language
  171. Burroughs Corporation
  172. Butterfly Common LISP
  173. Butterfly Scheme
  174. C (ANSI)
  175. C Beautifier
  176. C Programmer's
  177. C shell
  178. C with Classes
  179. C++ 2.0
  180. C++ 2.1
  181. C-10
  182. C-BC
  183. C-Interp
  184. C-Linda
  185. C-Prolog
  186. C-Refine
  187. C-Scheme
  188. CAIS-A
  189. CAS 8051
  191. CASE framework
  192. CASE tools
  193. CD ROM
  194. CD-ROM
  195. CD-i
  196. CEI-PACT
  197. CHIP-48
  198. CHIP-8
  199. CIP-L
  200. CMS-2
  201. CMU CL
  202. CMU Common Lisp
  203. COBOL fingers
  204. COBOL-1961 Extended
  205. COLD-K
  206. COME FROM
  207. COMIT II
  208. CORAL 66
  209. CPU Info Center
  210. CPU Wars
  211. CREW PRAM
  212. CROW PRAM
  213. CS-4
  214. CS-Prolog
  215. CSP-S
  216. Cadence Design
  217. Calculus of Communicating Systems
  218. Calendar API
  219. Calendar Application Programming Interface
  220. California State University San Marcos
  221. Call-with-current-continuation
  222. Caller ID
  223. Cambridge Lisp
  224. Caml Light
  225. Campus Wide Information System
  226. Captain Abstraction
  227. Career Limiting Move
  228. Carnegie Mellon University
  229. Cartesian product
  230. Case Integration Services
  231. Cellular Digital Packet
  232. Charge-Coupled Device
  233. Checkout Test language
  234. Chernobyl packet
  235. Chinese Army technique
  236. Christmas tree
  237. Christmas tree packet
  238. Church integer
  239. Church of the SubGenius
  240. Church-Rosser
  241. Cinderella Book
  242. Cisco Sytems Inc.
  243. Class Oriented
  244. Class-Relation Method
  245. Classic C
  246. Classic-Ada
  247. Clos network
  248. Cluster 86
  249. Co-NP
  250. Coalition for Networked Information
  251. Codd's First
  252. Code 2.0
  253. Cogent Prolog
  254. Coherent Interface
  255. Commercial Internet eXchange
  256. Commodore Business Machines
  257. Common Communication Services
  258. Common Gateway Interface
  259. Common LISP Object System
  260. Common LISP in Parallel
  261. Common Lisp
  262. Common Management
  263. Common Management Information Protocol
  264. Common Object File Format
  265. Common Object Model
  266. Common Objects
  267. Commonwealth Hackish
  268. Communicating Functional
  269. Communicating Sequential Processes
  270. Communications Corporation
  271. Communications of the
  272. Compact COBOL
  273. Compact Disc
  274. Compact Disc Read-Only Memory
  275. Compaq Computer Corporation
  276. Compas Pascal
  277. Compatibility Standard
  278. Compiler Construction
  279. Compiler Language for
  280. Compiler Target Language
  281. Compiler-Compiler
  282. Compiler-Construction Tool Set
  283. Complex Instruction Set Computer
  284. Component Integration Laboratories
  285. Comprehensive TeX Archive Network
  286. CompuServe Corporation
  287. CompuServe Information
  288. Compusult Ltd.
  289. Computational Adequacy
  290. Computer + Science NETwork
  291. Computer Aided
  292. Computer Aided Design
  293. Computer Aided Engineering
  294. Computer Animation Movie Language
  295. Computer Compiler
  296. Computer Design Language
  297. Computer Emergency
  298. Computer Graphics
  299. Computer Professionals for
  300. Computer Supported
  301. Computer System Interface
  302. Computing Environment
  303. Concrete Data Structure
  304. Concurrent C
  305. Concurrent C++
  306. Concurrent CLU
  307. Concurrent Clean
  308. Concurrent Euclid
  309. Concurrent LISP
  310. Concurrent ML
  311. Concurrent Object-Oriented Language
  312. Concurrent Pascal
  313. Concurrent Prolog
  314. Concurrent Scheme
  315. Connection Machine LISP
  316. Conservation Society
  317. Consortium for
  318. Constraint Handling In Prolog
  319. Constraint Logic
  320. Contextually Communicating Sequential
  321. Continuation Passing
  322. Control Systems
  323. Conversational LISP
  324. Conway's Law
  325. Cooperative Work
  326. Coordinating Committee for
  327. Core War
  328. Core War Society
  329. Core Wars
  330. Cornell List
  331. Cornell Theory Center
  332. Coroutine Pascal
  333. Corporation for
  334. Corporation for Research and Educational Networking
  335. Correlatives and Conversions
  336. Coursewriter III
  337. Cray Research Inc.
  338. Cray instability
  339. Crisis Software
  340. Crypt Breakers
  341. Cuckoo's Egg
  342. Culler-Fried System
  343. Customer Information Control System
  344. Cygnus Tcl Tools
  345. D-type
  346. D. C. Power Lab
  347. DAISY 201
  348. DAP Fortran
  349. DATA-TEXT
  351. DDE Manager
  352. DEC Wars
  353. DIGITAL Standard MUMPS
  354. DOS Protected Mode Interface
  355. DPL-82
  356. DRUCO I
  357. DS level
  358. DS-0
  359. DS-1
  360. DS-3
  361. DSP32 Assembly Language
  362. DUAL-607
  363. DV cartridge
  364. Dartmouth BASIC
  365. Data Communications Equipment
  366. Data Encryption
  367. Data Encryption Key
  368. Data Encryption Standard
  369. Data Flow Diagram
  370. Data Interchange Format
  371. Data Model
  372. Data Parallel Haskell
  373. Data Terminal Equipment
  374. Data Unit
  375. Dataparallel-C
  376. David Turner
  377. De Bruijn notation
  378. Death Star
  379. Decus cpp
  380. Defense Advanced Research
  381. Defense Advanced Research Project Agency
  382. Defense Communications Agency
  383. Defense Data Network
  384. Defense Data Network Network Information Center
  385. Defense Information
  386. Definition Language
  387. Dell Computer Corporation
  388. Delta-4
  389. Delta-Prolog
  390. Demand driven
  391. Demon Internet
  392. Denis Howe
  393. Dennis Ritchie
  394. Department of Defense Network
  395. Description Language
  396. Descriptive Top-Level Specification
  397. Design Language
  398. Design System language
  399. Desktop Environment
  400. Devil Book
  401. Dictionary APL
  402. Dictionary of
  403. Digital Equipment Corporation
  404. Digital Express Group, Inc.
  405. Digital Signal Processing
  406. Dijkstra's guarded command language
  407. Direct Connection
  408. Direct Memory Access
  409. Direct Slot
  410. Directory Access Protocol
  411. Directory System
  412. Directory User Agent
  413. Disjunctive Normal Form
  414. Disk Operating
  415. Display PostScript
  416. Dissociated Press
  417. Distributed Computing Environment
  418. Distributed Data Interface
  419. Distributed Eiffel
  420. Distributed Processes
  421. Distributed Smalltalk
  422. DoD-1
  423. DoD-STD-2167A
  424. DoD-STD-2168
  425. Document Image Processing
  426. Document Style Semantics and
  427. Document Type Definition
  428. Domain Name Server
  429. Domain Name System
  430. Don't do that, then!
  431. Donald Knuth
  432. Down List
  433. Dragon Book
  434. Drawing eXchange Format
  435. Dynamic Data Exchange
  436. Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
  437. Dynamically Linked Library
  438. E-Forth
  439. EASE II
  440. EASY FOX
  441. ECAP II
  442. ECRC-Prolog
  443. ECSS II
  444. ELIZA effect
  445. EM-1
  446. EMD Enterprises, Inc.
  447. EREW PRAM
  448. ERGO-Shell
  449. ES-1
  450. Early PL/I
  451. Easter egg
  452. Eckert-Mauchly Computer Corporation
  453. Edinburgh Prolog
  454. Edinburgh SML
  455. Eiffel 3
  456. Eiffel source
  457. El Camino Bignum
  458. Electronic Data Interchange
  459. Electronic Frontier Foundation
  460. Eli Compiler Construction System
  461. Emacs Lisp
  462. Emitter Coupled Logic
  463. Encapsulated PostScript
  464. End Of Line
  465. Engineering Environment
  466. Engineering and Planning Group
  467. Entity-Relationship
  468. Entity-Relationship diagram
  469. Equivalence class
  470. Equivalence relation
  471. Eric Conspiracy
  472. Ethernet address
  473. Ethernet meltdown
  474. Eureka step
  475. Euro-ISDN
  476. European Telecommunications Standards Institute
  477. Evaluation strategy
  478. Expanded Memory
  479. Expanded Memory Specification
  480. Experimental Physics
  481. Experimental Programming Language
  482. Expert Systems Ltd.
  483. Experts Group
  484. Extended ALGOL
  485. Extended Architecture
  486. Extended C++
  487. Extended Industry-Standard
  488. Extended ML
  489. Extended Pascal
  490. Extended Tiny
  491. Extensible database
  492. Exterior Gateway
  493. Extracting Archive
  494. F-Logic
  495. F-code
  496. FAQ list
  497. FISH queue
  498. FLIP-SPUR
  500. FN tunnelling
  502. FORTRAN 66
  503. FORTRAN 77
  504. FORTRAN I
  508. FORTRAN V
  510. FORTRAN-Plus
  511. FRMT-FTRN
  512. FTP Software, Inc.
  513. FTP archive
  514. FTP by
  515. FUD wars
  516. FX-87
  517. FX-90
  518. Fairchild F8
  519. Fast Fourier Transform
  520. Fast Packet
  521. Fast SCSI
  522. Federal Information
  523. Federal Information Exchange
  524. Federal Networking Council
  525. Feed Control Character
  526. Ferranti F100-L
  527. Fiber Distributed Data Interface
  528. Fight-o-net
  529. File Attach
  530. File Composition
  531. File Request
  532. File Transfer Protocol
  533. Finagle's Law
  534. Finite State Machine
  535. Flex 2
  536. Floating Point Unit
  537. Floating-Point
  538. Floating-Point SPECbaseratio
  539. Floating-Point SPECrate
  540. Floating-Point SPECratio
  541. Floating-Point Unit
  542. Flynn's taxonomy
  543. Flyspeck 3
  544. Fools' Lisp
  545. For Your Information
  546. Formal Description
  547. Formula ALGOL
  548. Fortran 90
  549. Fortran D
  550. Fortran M
  551. Fortran-Linda
  552. Fourier transform
  553. Fowler-Nordheim tunneling
  554. Fox Software
  555. Frame Relay
  556. Framework 4
  557. Franz Lisp
  558. Fuel-can
  559. Function Graph
  560. G-Code
  561. GEN-X
  562. GIM-1
  563. GKS-3D
  564. GMD Toolbox for
  565. GNU BC
  566. GNU C
  567. GNU DC
  568. GNU E
  569. GNU Emacs
  570. GNU General Public License
  571. GNU Smalltalk
  572. GNU assembler
  573. GNU awk
  574. GNU mirror site
  575. GNU sed
  576. GNU superoptimiser
  577. GW-Ada
  578. GW-BASIC
  579. Gateway 2000
  580. General Magic
  581. General Public Licence
  582. General Public Virus
  583. General Purpose Graphic Language
  584. Gentleman's Portable Coroutine System
  585. Gerald Sussman
  586. Get a
  587. Get a real computer!
  588. Global Network Navigator
  589. Gnome Computers
  590. Good Thing
  591. Gopher client
  592. Gopher object type
  593. Government OSI Profile
  594. Graphic ALGOL
  595. Graphic Language
  596. Graphical Kernel System
  597. Graphical User Interface
  598. Graphics Interchange Format
  599. Graphics Language
  600. Great Renaming
  601. Great Runes
  602. Great Worm
  603. Green Book
  604. Green Book CD-ROM
  605. Green's Theorem
  606. Greystone Technologies
  607. Group Code Recording
  608. Guarded Horn
  609. HOL-88
  610. HOL-90
  611. HOL-UNITY
  612. HOS-STPL
  613. HP VEE
  614. HP-GL
  615. HP-GL/2
  616. HP-SUX
  617. HP-UX
  618. HPCode-Plus
  619. HSL-FX
  620. Hacking X for
  621. Half-duplex
  622. Hanlon's Razor
  623. Harvest C
  624. Haskell B
  625. Haskell Compiler
  626. Haskell Curry
  627. Helen Keller mode
  628. Hewlett Packard
  629. Hewlett-Packard
  630. High Performance Computing and
  631. High Performance Fortran
  632. High Performance Parallel
  633. Hitachi 6309
  634. Hoare powerdomain
  635. Honeywell-800 Business Compiler
  636. Horn clause
  637. Huffman coding
  638. Human Computer
  639. Human-Computer Interaction
  640. Human-Computer Interface
  641. Hyper-C
  642. Hyper-Man
  643. Hyper-Text Transfer
  644. Hypertext Transfer Protocol
  645. I didn't change anything!
  646. I see
  647. I-APL
  648. I-CASE
  649. I-D
  650. IBM 2741
  651. IBM PC
  652. IBM PC AT
  653. IC Prolog II
  654. IC-Prolog
  655. IEEE 1076
  656. IEEE 488
  657. IEEE 802.3
  658. IEEE 802.5
  659. IMS 6100
  660. IP Service
  661. IP address
  662. IS-IS
  663. ISO 8807
  664. ISO 9000
  665. ISO Development
  666. ISO Pascal
  667. ISO seven layer model
  668. ITU-T
  669. IXI Limited
  670. Id Nouveau
  671. If you want X, you know where
  672. Ilog Solver
  673. Imago Europe plc
  674. Imago On-line
  675. Imminent Death Of The
  676. Ina Jo
  677. Incremental Prototyping Technology for Embedded Realtime Systems
  678. Independent Graphical User Interface
  679. Inexpensive Disks
  680. Infinite-Monkey Theorem
  681. Info BASIC
  682. Informatics Corporation
  683. Information Algebra
  684. Information Builders
  685. Information Center
  686. Information Engineering Facility
  687. Information Management
  688. Information Management System
  689. Information Processing
  690. Information Services
  691. Information Systems Factory
  692. Information eXchange
  693. Institute for Global
  694. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
  695. Instruction Multiple Data
  696. Instrument Digital Interface
  697. Integer SPECbaserate
  698. Integer SPECbaseratio
  699. Integer SPECrate
  700. Integer SPECratio
  701. Integrated Drive Electronics
  702. Integrated Information Technology
  703. Integrated Services Digital
  704. Intel 4004
  705. Intel 4040
  706. Intel 8008
  707. Intel 80186
  708. Intel 80188
  709. Intel 80386
  710. Intel 80386SX
  711. Intel 80486
  712. Intel 8080
  713. Intel 8085
  714. Intel 8086
  715. Intel 8088
  716. Intel Literature
  717. Interactive Data Language
  718. Interactive Development Environments
  719. Interactive Software
  720. Interagency Interim National Research and Education
  721. Intercontinental Research Networks
  722. Interface Definition Language
  723. Interface Description
  724. Interface Message Processor
  725. Interior Gateway Protocol
  726. Interlisp-10
  727. Interlisp-D
  728. Intermedia Interchange
  729. Intermediate Programming Language
  730. Intermediate System
  731. Intermediate System-Intermediate System
  732. Intermetrics, Inc.
  733. Internal Translator
  734. International Business Machines
  735. International Federation for Information
  736. International Organisation for Standardisation
  737. International Organization for Standardization
  738. International Telecommunications Union
  739. Internet Adapter
  740. Internet Architecture Board
  741. Internet Assigned Numbers Authority
  742. Internet Control Message Protocol
  743. Internet Engineering Steering Group
  744. Internet Engineering Task Force
  745. Internet Experiment Note
  746. Internet Monthly Report
  747. Internet Protocol
  748. Internet Registry
  749. Internet Relay Chat
  750. Internet Research Steering
  751. Internet Research Task Force
  752. Internet Society
  753. Internet Worm
  754. Internet address
  755. Internet-Draft
  756. Internetwork Packet eXchange
  757. Internex Online
  758. Intersil 6100
  759. Intrusion Countermeasure Electronics
  760. Irvine Research Unit in Software
  761. Isabelle-92
  762. Isabelle-93
  763. Iterative deepening
  764. Ivan Sutherland
  765. Iverson's Language
  766. J. Random
  767. J. Random Hacker
  768. JCS-13
  769. Jackson method
  770. Jargon file
  771. Jerry Sussman
  772. John McCarthy
  773. Joint Academic NETwork
  774. Joint Photographic
  775. KISS Principle
  776. KL-ONE
  777. Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics
  778. Ken Thompson
  779. Kernel Parlog
  780. Klerer-May System
  781. Knights of the
  782. Knowbot Information Service
  783. Knowledge Management
  784. Knowledge Systems Laboratory
  785. Konrad Zuse
  786. Korn Shell
  787. Kyoto Common Lisp
  788. Kyoto Common Lisp (AKCL).
  789. L2 cache
  791. LIM EMS
  792. LISP 1
  793. LISP 1.5
  794. LISP 2
  795. LISP A
  796. LISP Machine LISP
  797. LM-Prolog
  798. LT-2
  799. LZ compression
  800. LZ77 compression
  801. LZ78 compression
  802. Lab for Computer Science
  803. Lambda-Calculus
  804. Lambda-Prolog
  805. Language H
  806. Language-Based Editor
  807. Laning and Zierler
  808. Law of Data
  809. Le-Lisp
  810. Leaf Distribution Limited
  811. League for Programming Freedom
  812. Lempel-Ziv Welch compression
  813. Lempel-Ziv compression
  814. Lexical Research
  815. Life is hard
  816. Lincoln Reckoner
  817. Link Access Procedure on the D channel
  818. Link Access Protocol
  819. Linux Documentation Project
  820. Linux Network Administrators'
  821. Lions Book
  822. Lisp Object-Oriented Programming System
  823. Lisp-Linda
  824. Lispkit Lisp
  825. Little Smalltalk
  826. Live Free Or Die!
  827. Local Area Network
  828. Loebner Prize
  829. Logic Replacement
  830. Logical Link Control
  831. Looking Glass
  832. Lotus Development Corporation
  833. Lotus Notes
  834. Lubarsky's Law of Cybernetic Entomology
  835. Lucid Emacs
  836. Lynx Real-Time Systems
  837. M Technology Association
  838. M-Code
  839. M-Prolog
  840. M-expression LISP
  841. MAC-360
  844. MCP-1600
  845. META 5
  848. MIT AI Lab
  849. MIT Scheme
  850. MIX Communications
  851. ML Kit
  852. ML Threads
  853. ML-2000
  854. ML-Linda
  855. ML-Twig
  856. ML-lex
  858. MODSIM II
  859. MOS Technologies
  860. MP-1
  861. MPEG-1
  862. MPL II
  863. MPS III
  864. MS-DOG
  865. MS-DOS
  866. MU-Prolog
  867. MX Record
  868. Mac-1
  869. Macintosh Common
  870. Macintosh user interface
  871. Macro SAP
  872. Magic Paper
  873. Magic Switch Story
  874. Mail Exchange
  875. Management Information Base
  876. Manchester Autocode
  877. Manufacturers Automation Protocol
  878. Marginal Hacks
  879. Markup Language
  880. Marseille Prolog
  881. MasPar Unity
  882. Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  883. Massey Hope
  884. MathWorks Inc.
  885. Maximum Transmission Unit
  886. Mbogo, Dr.
  887. McCulloch-Pitts
  888. Media Access Control
  889. Mercury Autocode
  890. Met-English
  891. Meta-CASE tool
  892. Meta-Crystal
  893. Meta-II
  894. Meta-IV
  895. Meta-Vlisp
  896. Metropolitan Area Network
  897. Mezzanine Card
  898. Mic-1
  899. Mic-2
  900. Micro Channel
  901. Micro ML
  902. Micronetics Standard MUMPS
  903. Microsloth Windows
  904. Microsoft Access
  905. Microsoft Corporation
  906. Microsoft Mail Application
  907. Microsoft Windows
  908. Microsoft Word
  909. Midas-WWW
  910. Mini Disc
  911. Mini PL/I
  912. Mini-ML
  913. Missed'em-five
  914. Mock Lisp
  915. Model View Controller
  916. Modula-2
  917. Modula-2*
  918. Modula-2+
  919. Modula-3
  920. Modula-3*
  921. Modula-3pi
  922. Modula-P
  923. Modula-Prolog
  924. Modular C
  925. Modular Prolog
  926. Modular SB-Prolog
  927. Mongolian Hordes technique
  928. Moore bound
  929. Moore graph
  930. Moore's Law
  931. Moscow ML
  932. Motorola 14500B
  933. Motorola 6800
  934. Motorola 68000
  935. Motorola 6801
  936. Motorola 6809
  937. Motorola Inc.
  938. Moving Pictures Experts Group
  939. Mul-T
  940. Multi-Garnet
  941. Multi-Pascal
  942. Multi-User
  943. Multi-User Dungeon
  944. MultiCal System
  945. Multimedia Internet Mail Extensions
  946. Multiple Instruction Multiple
  947. Multiple Instruction/Multiple Data
  948. Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions
  949. Multiuser Dimension
  950. Multiuser Dungeon
  951. Murphy's Law
  952. My Favourite Toy Language
  953. N-Prolog
  954. NICOL I
  955. NOMEX underwear
  956. NORD PL
  957. NP complete
  958. NP-complete
  959. NP-hard
  960. NSA line eater
  961. NU-Prolog
  962. NUXI problem
  964. Nathan Hale
  965. National Center for Supercomputing
  966. National Database Language
  967. National Information Initiative
  968. National Information Services and
  969. National Institute of Standards and Technology
  970. National Science Foundation
  971. National Software Reuse Directory
  972. National Standards Institute
  973. Natural English
  974. Nazionale Italiano di Unificazione
  975. Nerd pride
  976. Net Predicted!
  977. Netmarq Limited
  978. Network Computing Devices
  979. Network Definition
  980. Network Device Interface Specification
  981. Network File System
  982. Network Filing System
  983. Network Information Service
  984. Network News Transfer
  985. Network Operations Center
  986. Network Time Protocol
  987. Network extensible
  988. Neutral Interconnect
  989. New Flavors
  990. New Jersey
  991. New York
  992. Newton-Raphson
  993. Nexpert Object
  994. Nightmare File System
  995. Ninety-Ninety Rule
  996. Nodal Switching System
  997. Nominal Semidestructor
  998. Non Return
  999. Non-Maskable Interrupt
  1000. Normal Form
  1001. Notation 1
  1002. Novell Inc.
  1003. Novell NetWare
  1004. Nu Thena
  1005. O'Reilly and Associates
  1006. O-Logic
  1007. OSI Reference Model
  1008. Oberon-2
  1009. Oberon-V
  1010. Obfuscated C Contest
  1011. Object Compatibility Standard
  1012. Object Linking and Embedding
  1013. Object Management Group
  1014. Object Oberon
  1015. Object Pascal
  1016. Object Request Broker
  1017. Object Z
  1018. Object management system
  1019. Object-Oriented Turing
  1020. Objectionable-C
  1021. Objective C
  1022. Objective PASCAL
  1023. Objects, and Symbolic Programming
  1024. Occam's Razor
  1025. Old Testament
  1026. Omega test
  1027. Omega-algebraic
  1028. Online Computer Library Center, Inc.
  1029. Online Media
  1030. Open Data Base Connectivity
  1031. Open DeathTrap
  1032. Open Look
  1033. Open Network Computing
  1034. Open Prolog
  1035. Open Shortest-Path First Interior Gateway Protocol
  1036. Open Software
  1037. Open Systems
  1038. Open Systems Interconnect
  1039. Open University
  1040. Operations Service Element
  1041. Optical Character
  1042. Oracle Card
  1043. Oracle Toolkit
  1044. Orange Book
  1045. Original Equipment Manufacturer
  1046. P-CAD
  1047. P-Prolog
  1048. P-TAC
  1049. P-code
  1050. P-mail
  1051. PACT I
  1053. PC-Scheme
  1054. PC-TILES
  1055. PC-ism
  1056. PC-ware
  1057. PDC Prolog
  1058. PDP-10
  1059. PDP-11
  1060. PDP-20
  1061. PDSA cycle
  1062. PIPEX Ltd.
  1063. PL-11
  1064. PL-6
  1065. PL/I SUBSET
  1066. PL/I Subset G
  1067. PL/I-FORMAC
  1068. PNU-Prolog
  1069. POOL-I
  1070. POOL-T
  1071. POP-1
  1072. POP-10
  1073. POP-2
  1074. POP-9X
  1075. POPLOG ML
  1076. PRINT I
  1077. PS 440
  1078. PS-ALGOL
  1079. Packet Assembler/Disassembler
  1080. Packet InterNet Groper
  1081. Page Description Language
  1082. ParaSoft Corp
  1083. Paralation C
  1084. Paralation LISP
  1085. Parallel C
  1086. Parallel FORTH
  1087. Parallel Pascal
  1088. Parallel SML
  1089. Park-Miller
  1090. Pascal P4
  1091. Pascal Plus
  1092. Pascal-80
  1093. Pascal-F
  1094. Pascal-FC
  1095. Pascal-Linda
  1096. Pascal-P
  1097. Pascal-S
  1098. Pascal-SC
  1099. Pascal-m
  1100. Path Pascal
  1101. Peano arithmetic
  1102. Peripheral Component
  1103. Personal Computer
  1104. Personal Digital Assistant
  1105. Petri net
  1106. Phase Encoded
  1107. Phonetic Alphabet
  1108. Phong shading
  1109. Pick BASIC
  1110. Pictorial Janus
  1111. Picture Quality Scale
  1112. Pilot European Image Processing Archive
  1113. Pink-Shirt Book
  1114. Plain Old Telephone System
  1115. Plan 9
  1116. Planner-73
  1117. Plural EuLisp
  1118. Point-to-Point Protocol
  1119. Pop-11
  1120. Port Language
  1121. Portable Common
  1122. Portable Common Tool Environment
  1123. Portable Forth Environment
  1124. Portable Scheme Debugger
  1125. Portable Scheme Interpreter
  1126. Post Office Protocol
  1127. Post, Telephone and Telegraph
  1128. Power PC
  1129. PowerOpen Environment
  1130. PowerPC 601
  1131. PowerPC Reference Platform
  1132. Presentation Manager
  1133. Pretty Good Privacy
  1134. Primenet Inc.
  1135. Princeton University
  1136. Privacy Enhanced Mail
  1137. Processing Standard
  1138. Program Composition Notation
  1139. Program Design Language
  1140. Program Interface
  1141. Programmer's Cheer
  1142. Programmer's Switch
  1143. Programmers Hierarchical Interactive Graphics
  1144. Programming Language
  1145. Projects Agency
  1146. Prolog-2
  1147. Prolog-D-Linda
  1148. Prolog-II
  1149. Prolog-III
  1150. Prolog-Linda
  1151. Promiscuous mode
  1152. Proposal Writing
  1153. Public Switched Telephone
  1154. Purdue University
  1155. Pure Lisp
  1156. Purple Book
  1157. Purpose Language
  1158. QT-OBJECTS
  1159. Qu-Prolog
  1160. Queen's University
  1161. Quintec-Objects
  1162. Quintus Prolog
  1163. RAMIS II
  1165. RCA 1802
  1166. RCA 1805
  1167. README file
  1168. REF-ARF
  1170. RFC 1014
  1171. RFC 1058
  1172. RFC 1081
  1173. RFC 1094
  1174. RFC 1112
  1175. RFC 1119
  1176. RFC 1156
  1177. RFC 1157
  1178. RFC 1171
  1179. RFC 1208
  1180. RFC 1213
  1181. RFC 1267
  1182. RFC 1268
  1183. RFC 1388
  1184. RFC 1432
  1185. RFC 1521
  1186. RFC 1630
  1187. RFC 792
  1188. RFC 822
  1189. RFC 959
  1190. RISC Machines Ltd.
  1191. RISC OS
  1192. RM-ODP
  1193. RPL-1
  1194. RS 232
  1195. RS-232
  1196. RSA Data Security, Inc.
  1197. RT-CDL
  1198. Read the Fucking Manual
  1199. Real Programmer
  1200. Real Soon Now
  1201. Real World
  1202. Real-Time
  1203. Real-Time Mentat
  1204. Real-Time Pascal
  1205. Recherche Europeenne
  1206. Record Management
  1207. Red Book
  1208. RedNet Ltd.
  1209. Reduced Instruction Set
  1210. Redundant Arrays of
  1211. Refined C
  1212. Refined Fortran
  1213. Reflexive domain
  1214. Reflexive transitive closure
  1215. Register Transfer Language
  1216. Relational DBMS
  1217. Remote Database Access
  1218. Remote Procedure Call
  1219. RenderMan Shading Language
  1220. Request For Comments
  1221. Request For Technology
  1222. Required-COBOL
  1223. Research Projects Agency Network
  1224. Research Systems, Inc.
  1225. Research and Education Network
  1226. Reseaux Associes pour la
  1227. Reseaux IP Europeennes
  1228. Resource Citation
  1229. Response Team
  1230. Reverse Address Resolution
  1231. Revised ALGOL 60
  1232. Rich Text Format
  1233. Richard Stallman
  1234. Right Thing
  1235. Ring Associated Language
  1236. Risc PC
  1237. Robert T. Morris
  1238. Rockwell Protocol Interface
  1239. Root Normal Form
  1240. Roskind grammars
  1241. Routing Information
  1242. Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University
  1243. Russel's paradox
  1244. S-ALGOL
  1245. S-K reduction machine
  1246. S-Lang
  1247. S/N ratio
  1248. SAC-1
  1249. SAD SAM
  1250. SASL-YACC
  1251. SB-Prolog
  1252. SCSI-2
  1253. SDL 92
  1254. SE-ODP
  1255. SFD-ALGOL
  1256. SIMPL-T
  1257. SIMSCRIPT I.5
  1258. SIMSCRIPT II.5
  1259. SIMULA 67
  1260. SIMULA I
  1261. SNAFU principle
  1262. SO 2
  1263. SPARC International, Inc.
  1264. SPARCstation 10
  1265. SPARCstation 20
  1266. SPEC CFP92
  1267. SPEC CINT92
  1268. SPEC rate
  1269. SQL Module Language
  1270. STAB-11
  1271. STAR 0
  1272. STD 1
  1273. STD 15
  1274. STD 2
  1276. SWI-Prolog
  1278. Saber-C
  1279. Saber-C++
  1280. Santa Cruz Operation
  1281. Sather-K
  1282. Saturday-night special
  1283. Scalable Processor ARChitecture
  1284. Scheduling API
  1285. Scheduling Application Programming Interface
  1286. Scheme Object System
  1287. Scheme Repository
  1288. Scheme->C
  1289. Scheme-Linda
  1290. Scheme-to-C
  1291. Schlaer-Mellor
  1292. Science Foundation Network
  1293. Science and Engineering Research Council
  1294. Scott domain
  1295. Scott-closed
  1296. Scratchpad II
  1297. Self-Extensible Language
  1298. Self-containing Prolog
  1299. Sequential Parlog Machine
  1300. Serial Interface
  1301. Serial Line IP
  1302. Serial Line Internet Protocol
  1303. Serial Storage Architecture
  1304. Set Priority Level
  1305. Share and enjoy!
  1306. Sharp APL
  1307. Shell Script
  1308. Short Code or SHORTCODE
  1309. Show-And-Tell
  1310. Shub-Internet
  1311. Shugart Associates
  1312. Silence Software
  1313. Silicon Graphics, Inc.
  1314. Silver Book
  1315. Simple Mail Transfer
  1316. Simple Network Management Protocol
  1317. Simulating Digital
  1318. Simultaneous Engineering Environment
  1319. Single Image Random Dot
  1320. Single In-line Memory Module
  1321. Single Instruction/Multiple Data
  1322. Skel-ML
  1323. Small-C
  1324. Smalltalk-80
  1325. Social Responsibility
  1326. Software AG
  1327. Software BackPlane
  1328. Software Engineering
  1329. Software Foundation
  1330. Software bus
  1331. Software through Pictures
  1332. Software, Inc.
  1333. Solution Based Modelling
  1334. Special Interest Group
  1335. Specification Language
  1336. Speedcoding 3
  1337. Sperry Univac
  1338. Spice Lisp
  1339. Split-C
  1340. Stack Environment Control Dump machine
  1341. Standard Commands for Programmable Instruments
  1342. Standard Generalised
  1343. Standard Generalized Markup Language
  1344. Standard Lisp
  1345. Standard ML
  1346. Standard ML of New
  1347. Stanford University
  1348. Stephen Jobs
  1349. Stepstone Corp
  1350. Steve Jobs
  1351. Steve Wozniak
  1352. Stone Age
  1353. Structure of Management Information
  1354. Structured Query
  1355. Structures Language
  1356. Student PL/I
  1357. Sturgeon's Law
  1358. Subset-Equational Language
  1359. Super Pascal
  1360. Super VGA
  1361. Super Video Graphics Adaptor
  1362. Suzie COBOL
  1363. Switch Node
  1364. Switched Multimegabit Data Service
  1365. Symbolic Mathematical
  1366. Symmetric LISP
  1367. Synchronous Data Link Control
  1368. Synchronous Optical NETwork
  1369. Syntax-Case
  1370. Syntax/Semantic Language
  1371. Synthesizer Specification Language
  1372. System F
  1373. System Management Mode
  1374. System V
  1375. Systems Administrators Guild
  1376. Systems Agency
  1377. Systems Network
  1378. T Lisp
  1379. T-1
  1380. T-3
  1381. T-gen
  1382. T. Kohonen
  1383. TCP-IP
  1384. TGS-II
  1385. TILE Forth
  1386. TMS 9900
  1387. TOPS-10
  1388. TOPS-20
  1389. TRANS-USE
  1390. TRS-80
  1391. TSL-1
  1392. TX-0
  1393. TYMCOM-X
  1394. Tagged Image File
  1395. Tandem Computers
  1396. Tcl-DP
  1397. TeX-78
  1398. TeX-82
  1399. Technical/Office Protocol
  1400. Terminal Access Controller
  1401. Terminate and Stay Resident
  1402. That's not a bug, that's a feature!
  1403. The Force
  1404. The World Of Cryton
  1405. The story of Mel, a
  1406. Think C
  1407. Thinking Machines Corporation
  1408. This can't happen
  1409. Time Domain Reflectometer
  1410. Time Sharing Option
  1411. Time to
  1412. Tiny Clos
  1413. Tom Knight
  1414. Tools Integration Standard
  1415. Toronto Euclid
  1416. Tower Technology
  1417. Trafola-H
  1418. Transistor-Transistor Logic
  1419. Translation System
  1420. Transmission Control Protocol
  1421. Trash-80
  1422. Trellis Code Modulation
  1423. Trojan horse
  1424. True BASIC
  1425. Tuple Space Smalltalk
  1426. Turbo C
  1427. Turbo Pascal
  1428. Turbo Prolog
  1429. Turing Plus
  1430. Turing machine
  1431. Turing tar-pit
  1432. Turing test
  1433. U-Code
  1434. U-NET Limited
  1435. U.S. Robotics, Inc.
  1436. UMB Scheme
  1437. UPMAIL Tricia Prolog
  1438. USG Unix
  1439. Ulm's Modula-2 System
  1440. Uniform Resource Locator
  1441. Uniform Resource Name
  1442. Uniform Resource Number
  1443. Unipalm Group plc
  1444. United Technologies Research
  1445. Universal Asynchronous
  1446. Universal Resource
  1447. Universal Resource Locator
  1448. Universal Time Coordinated
  1449. University of California at Berkeley
  1450. University of East London
  1451. University of London Computing Centre
  1452. University of Tasmania
  1453. Unix International
  1454. Unix brain damage
  1455. Unix conspiracy
  1456. Unix weenie
  1457. Unix-to-Unix copy
  1458. User Datagram Protocol
  1460. VDM-SL
  1461. VESA Local Bus (VL, VLB).
  1462. Value added
  1463. Value added retailer
  1464. Vector C
  1465. Venus flytrap
  1466. Verilog SA
  1467. Version 7
  1468. Very Long Instruction Word
  1469. Video Electronics Standards Association
  1470. Video Graphics Adaptor
  1471. Video on Demand
  1472. Vienna Definition Method
  1473. Vienna Fortran
  1474. Virtual Control Program Interface
  1475. Virtual Home Environment
  1476. Visual BASIC
  1477. Visual C++
  1478. Von Neumann ordinal
  1479. Vulcan nerve pinch
  1480. W3 Consortium
  1481. WA-12
  1482. WIMP environment
  1483. Wang Laboratories
  1484. Weak Head Normal Form
  1485. What's a spline?
  1486. White Book
  1487. White book CD-ROM
  1488. Wide Area Information
  1489. Wide Area Network
  1490. Wide SCSI
  1491. William Joy
  1492. Window System
  1493. Windows 4GL
  1494. Windows 95
  1495. Windows NT
  1496. Windows sockets
  1497. Wizard Book
  1498. Word Perfect
  1499. World Wide
  1500. World Wide Web Worm
  1501. World-Wide Web
  1502. World-Wide Web Worm
  1503. Wrong Thing
  1504. X client
  1505. X protocol
  1506. X server
  1507. X terminal
  1508. X windows
  1509. X-1
  1510. X-Windows
  1511. X-designer
  1512. X-terminal
  1513. X/open Portability Guide
  1514. XEROX Corporation
  1515. XEROX Network Services
  1516. XEROX PARC
  1517. XMODEM-1K
  1518. YMODEM-G
  1519. Yale Haskell
  1520. Yellow Book
  1521. Yellow Book (Jargon)
  1522. Yellow Book CD-ROM
  1523. Yellow Pages
  1524. Yet Another
  1525. You are not expected
  1526. You know you've been hacking too long when...
  1527. Your mileage may vary
  1528. Yu-Shiang Whole
  1529. Z-80
  1530. ZF expression
  1531. ZOLA Technologies
  1532. ZX-80
  1533. ZX-81
  1534. Zero Insertion Force
  1535. Zeta Lisp
  1536. Zilog Z-280
  1537. Zilog Z-8
  1538. Zilog Z-80
  1539. Zilog Z-8000
  1540. a-lhi-bbn-01
  1541. a-lhi-sri-03
  1542. aad-hq
  1543. aberdeen-ato
  1544. aberdeen-meprs
  1545. aberdeen2-mil-tac
  1546. abrams2-mil-tac
  1547. abs-alex
  1548. abstract class
  1549. abstract data type
  1550. abstract syntax
  1551. abstract syntax tree
  1552. acc-sb-unix
  1553. acfp-dev
  1554. acoustic coupler
  1555. activation record
  1556. active DBMS
  1557. active object
  1558. acyclic graph
  1559. ad-hoc polymorphism
  1560. ad-hockery
  1561. ada-vax
  1562. adams-sun
  1563. adaptive learning
  1564. adaptive routing
  1565. address mask
  1566. address resolution
  1567. adea-ftlewis
  1568. adelphi-amcld1
  1569. adelphi-amcld11
  1570. adelphi-amcld12
  1571. adelphi-amcld13
  1572. adelphi-amcld14
  1573. adelphi-amcld15
  1574. adelphi-amcld16
  1575. adelphi-amcld2
  1576. adelphi-amcld21
  1577. adelphi-amcld22
  1578. adelphi-amcld23
  1579. adelphi-amcld24
  1580. adelphi-amcld25
  1581. adelphi-amcld26
  1582. adelphi-amcld27
  1583. adelphi-amcld3
  1584. adelphi-ap
  1585. adelphi-asce01
  1586. adelphi-asce02
  1587. adelphi-asce03
  1588. adelphi-assd01
  1589. adelphi-assd02
  1590. adelphi-assd03
  1591. adelphi-assd04
  1592. adelphi-hdlmsb
  1593. adelphi-hdlsig1
  1594. adelphi-hdlsig2
  1595. adelphi-ideas
  1596. adelphi-im1
  1597. adelphi-im2
  1598. adelphi-im3
  1599. adelphi-msc
  1600. adelphi-reiems
  1601. adelphi-saacons1
  1602. adelphi-vlsi
  1603. aegis-dahlgren
  1604. aero-mec
  1605. aeroplane rule
  1606. aerospace-sced
  1607. af-gdss
  1608. afal-edwards
  1609. afalc-iis
  1610. afcc-oa1
  1611. afcc-oa2
  1612. afgl-mil-tac
  1613. afgl-vax
  1614. afisc-01
  1615. afit-ab
  1616. aflc-oc-aisg1
  1617. aflc-oo-aisg1
  1618. aflc-oo-dmmis1-ma01
  1619. aflc-sa-aisg1
  1620. aflc-sa-dmmis1-si01
  1621. aflc-sm-aisg1
  1622. aflc-sm-dmmis1-si01
  1623. aflc-wp-aisg1
  1624. aflc-wp-aisg2
  1625. aflc-wp-cisco
  1626. aflc-wp-rdb1
  1627. aflc-wp-remis
  1628. aflc-wp-scd1
  1629. aflc-wr-aisg1
  1630. afmpc-1
  1631. afmpc-10
  1632. afmpc-11
  1633. afmpc-2
  1634. afmpc-l
  1635. afotec-ad
  1636. afrpl-vax
  1637. afrts-vic
  1638. afsc-ad
  1639. afsc-ad-mil-tac
  1640. afsc-bmo
  1641. afsc-fin1
  1642. afsc-hq
  1643. afsc-hq-mil-tac
  1644. afsc-sd
  1645. afsc-sdx
  1646. afvr-fw-ig
  1647. afwal-aaa
  1648. afwl-vax
  1649. agnano-mil-tac
  1650. aims-eus
  1651. aims-lee
  1652. alameda-mil-tac
  1653. alc-eds
  1654. alconbry-piv-2
  1655. alconbury-am1
  1656. ald-gdss
  1657. alex-va-wfo
  1658. alexandria-emh1
  1659. alexandria-emh2
  1660. alexandria-emh3
  1661. alexandria-emh4
  1662. alexandria-emh5
  1663. alexandria-ignet
  1664. alexandria-mil80
  1665. alexandria3-tac
  1666. algebraic data type
  1667. aliasing bug
  1668. all-elbows
  1669. almsa-1
  1670. alpha conversion
  1671. alpha particle
  1672. alpha-bits
  1673. alpha/beta pruning
  1674. alt bit
  1675. alt-project-pc
  1676. altus-piv
  1677. amc-4
  1678. amc-hq
  1679. amceur-1-emh
  1680. ames-aero
  1681. ames-atlas
  1682. ames-ceres
  1683. ames-earth
  1684. ames-europa
  1685. ames-fred
  1686. ames-gaia
  1687. ames-hjulian
  1688. ames-io
  1689. ames-jupiter
  1690. ames-nas
  1691. ames-nasb
  1692. ames-pioneer
  1693. ames-pluto
  1694. ames-prandtl
  1695. ames-saturn
  1696. ames-titan
  1697. ames-turing
  1698. ammus-laughlin-am1
  1699. ammusnet-fairchild
  1700. ammusnet-fairchild1
  1701. amp off
  1702. amsaa-ally
  1703. amsaa-seer
  1704. amsaa-vms
  1705. amsaa-wasp
  1706. amsaa-zoo1
  1707. an EPROM
  1708. anad-host1
  1709. and Computer Technology Corporation
  1710. and drop
  1711. and loaded
  1712. and loathing
  1713. andersen-am1
  1714. andersen-am2
  1715. andersen-mil-tac
  1716. andrews-am1
  1717. andrews-piv-1
  1718. andrews-piv-2
  1719. angelina-lan
  1720. angle bracket
  1721. angry fruit
  1722. ankara-am3
  1723. ankara-emh
  1724. ankara-mil-tac
  1725. anl-mcs
  1726. annis-mil-tac
  1727. anniston-asims
  1728. anniston-emh1
  1729. anniston-emh2
  1730. anniston-emh3
  1731. anonymous FTP
  1732. ans-ignet
  1733. ansbach-emh1
  1734. ansbach-ignet
  1735. anytime algorithm
  1736. apds-ii-os115
  1737. apg-1
  1738. apg-2
  1739. apg-3
  1740. apg-4
  1741. apg-5
  1742. apg-6
  1743. apg-emh1
  1744. apg-emh2
  1745. apg-emh3
  1746. apg-emh4
  1747. apg-emh5
  1748. apg-emh6
  1749. apg-emh7
  1750. apg-emh8
  1751. apg-perddims
  1752. application layer
  1753. application program
  1754. applicative language
  1755. apsd-ii-os062
  1756. ar-mac1
  1757. arbitrary precision calculator
  1758. arc-psn
  1759. archive site
  1760. ardec-1
  1761. ardec-2
  1762. ardec-3
  1763. ardec-ac1
  1764. ardec-ac3
  1765. ardec-ac4
  1766. ardec-ac5
  1767. ardec-ac6
  1768. ardec-bus1
  1769. ardec-cc1
  1770. ardec-cc2
  1771. ardec-cc3
  1772. ardec-cdbms
  1773. ardec-imd
  1774. ardec-lcsec1
  1775. ardec-lcss
  1776. ardec-mil-tac
  1777. ardec-rdte
  1778. ardec-retap
  1779. ardec-satc
  1780. ardec-satin
  1781. ardec-sing
  1782. ardec-sit
  1783. ardec-sleaf
  1784. ardec-sor
  1785. ardec-syb
  1786. ardec-tew1
  1787. ardec-ve825
  1788. ardec-ve860
  1789. ardec-vector
  1790. argo-lan
  1791. ari-hq1
  1792. arinc-gw
  1793. arinc-net1
  1794. armor-plated
  1795. aro-emh1
  1796. arpa-gw
  1797. arpa-mc
  1798. arpa-png11
  1799. arpa1-mil-tac
  1800. arpa2-mil-tac
  1801. arpa3-tac
  1802. arpanet-mc
  1803. arpatroy-gw
  1804. artificial intelligence
  1805. asatms-ftknox
  1806. asbestos longjohns
  1807. aschaffenb-emh1
  1808. asims-003
  1809. asims-004
  1810. asims-006
  1811. asims-007
  1812. asims-009
  1813. asims-013
  1814. asims-016
  1815. asims-019
  1816. asims-020
  1817. asims-022
  1818. asims-025
  1819. asims-029
  1820. asims-030
  1821. asims-032
  1822. asims-034
  1823. asims-035
  1824. asims-036
  1825. asims-037
  1826. asims-042
  1827. asims-045
  1828. asims-046
  1829. asims-047
  1830. asims-dpcb1
  1831. asims-dpish56
  1832. asims-ftcmpbll
  1833. asims-ftzsmmns
  1834. asims-kaisrslautrn
  1835. asims-psf
  1836. asims-rdca1
  1837. asims-rdck1
  1838. asims-rdcw1
  1839. asims-zweibrucken
  1840. asimsrdc-louisville
  1841. asimsrdc-monterey
  1842. ask-mac
  1843. asked question
  1844. aspect ratio
  1845. assembly language
  1846. assigned numbers
  1847. associative array
  1848. associative cache
  1849. ast-vax
  1850. asymmetrical modulation
  1851. asynchronous logic
  1852. atica-2
  1853. atlanta-asims
  1854. atlctyapt-piv-rjet
  1855. autostrad-2
  1856. autostrad-bay
  1857. avi-eds
  1858. aviano-am1
  1859. aviano-mil-tac
  1860. aviano-piv-2
  1861. avonpark-am1
  1862. axiomatic semantics
  1863. azteca-gate
  1864. babbling error
  1865. back door
  1866. back link
  1867. back-propagation
  1868. backbone cabal
  1869. backward analysis
  1870. backward chaining
  1871. backward combatability
  1872. bad-kreuzn-ignet
  1873. badtoelz-emh1
  1874. bafb-ddnvax
  1875. bag of pages
  1876. bag on the side
  1877. balanced tree
  1878. bamberg-emh1
  1879. banana label
  1880. bang on
  1881. bang path
  1882. bar code
  1883. bar-button
  1884. bare metal
  1885. barksdale-am1
  1886. barksdale-mil-tac
  1887. barksdale-piv-1
  1888. bathtub curve
  1889. baud barf
  1890. baud rate
  1891. bbn-admin
  1892. bbn-arpa-tac
  1893. bbn-cvax
  1894. bbn-demo
  1895. bbn-ednoc
  1896. bbn-guava
  1897. bbn-mentor
  1898. bbn-mil-tac
  1899. bbn-papaya
  1900. bbn-pineapple
  1901. bbn-pr-gw
  1902. bbn-psat-ig
  1903. bbn-strawberry
  1904. bbn-van-gw
  1905. bbn-vulcan
  1906. bbn-x25-gw
  1907. bbn-x25-test3
  1908. bbn-x25-test4
  1909. bbncc-columbia
  1910. bbncc-eur
  1911. bbncc-washington
  1912. bbnnet2-arpanet-gw
  1913. bco-multics
  1914. bdmsc-hunt
  1915. beale-am1
  1916. beale-piv-1
  1917. beam me up, Scotty
  1918. beam search
  1919. bean-hollow
  1920. beanie key
  1921. bech-pc
  1922. beige toaster
  1923. bells and whistles
  1924. belvoir-ato
  1925. belvoir-cpo1
  1926. belvoir-emh2
  1927. belvoir-emh3
  1928. belvoir-emh4
  1929. belvoir-emh5
  1930. belvoir-emh6
  1931. belvoir-emh7
  1932. belvoir-emh8
  1933. belvoir-emh9
  1934. belvoir-hdl
  1935. belvoir-ibmrd
  1936. belvoir-ignet
  1937. belvoir-ignet2
  1938. belvoir-mail1
  1939. belvoir-mail2
  1940. belvoir-mil-tac
  1941. belvoir-prime1
  1942. belvoir-relay1
  1943. belvoir-sperry2
  1944. belvoir-tcaccis
  1945. belvoir-tdss
  1946. ben-eds
  1947. ben-harris-emh2
  1948. ben-harris-jacs1
  1949. ben-harris-jacs2
  1950. ben-harris-jacs3
  1951. ben-harris-pbas
  1952. ben-harris-perddims
  1953. ben-harris-tdss
  1954. bendix-sd
  1955. benharrison-mil-tac
  1956. benning-asims
  1957. benning-ato
  1958. benning-jacs5074
  1959. benning-meprs
  1960. benning-mil-tac
  1961. benning-perddims
  1962. benning-tcaccis
  1963. bentwaters-am1
  1964. bentwaters-piv-2
  1965. ber-asims
  1966. ber-ignet
  1967. bergstrm-am1
  1968. berlin-asims
  1969. berlin-ignet
  1970. berlin-mil-tac
  1971. best first search
  1972. beta conversion
  1973. beta reduction
  1974. beta test
  1975. bfly-vax
  1976. big endian
  1977. big iron
  1978. big-blue
  1979. big-endian
  1980. bills-dell
  1981. binary coded decimal
  1982. binary exponential backoff
  1983. binary large
  1984. binary tree
  1985. binding-time analysis
  1986. bionet-20
  1987. bipartite graph
  1988. bit bang
  1989. bit bashing
  1990. bit bucket
  1991. bit decay
  1992. bit diddling
  1993. bit rot
  1994. bit twiddling
  1995. bit-eds
  1996. bit-paired keyboard
  1997. bitburg-ab-mil-tac
  1998. bitburg-am1
  1999. bitburg-piv-1
  2000. bitmap display
  2001. bitty box
  2002. bkh-ignet
  2003. black art
  2004. black magic
  2005. black ultrix loghost
  2006. black-dallas
  2007. blake-mail
  2008. bliss-ato
  2009. bliss-ignet
  2010. bliss-perddims
  2011. blnhmcsc-am1
  2012. block transfer computations
  2013. bloom-beacon
  2014. blow away
  2015. blow out
  2016. blow past
  2017. blow up
  2018. blue goo
  2019. blue wire
  2020. blytheville-piv-1
  2021. blythvll-aim1
  2022. blythvll-am1
  2023. bnl-bach
  2024. bnl-chagall
  2025. bnl-cl1
  2026. bnl-cl2
  2027. bnl-cl3
  2028. bnl-cl4
  2029. bnl-dali
  2030. bnl-ewok
  2031. bnl-iris
  2032. bnl-max
  2033. bnl-monet
  2034. bnl-nsls
  2035. bnl-pb1
  2036. bnl-pb2
  2037. bnl-picasso
  2038. bnl-pogo
  2039. bnl-pooh
  2040. bnl-vma
  2041. bnl-vwsii
  2042. bnl-yoda
  2043. bobs-486
  2044. bogo-sort
  2045. bogon flux
  2046. bogue out
  2047. boltz-rt1
  2048. boltz-rt2
  2049. bondage-and-discipline language
  2050. book titles
  2051. boss-mcgill
  2052. boston-dmins
  2053. bottom feeder
  2054. bottom-unique
  2055. bottom-up implementation
  2056. bounce message
  2057. bound variable
  2058. bounty-lan
  2059. bourne-again
  2060. boxed comments
  2061. br-bar-circle
  2062. bracket abstraction
  2063. bragg-asatms
  2064. bragg-emh1
  2065. bragg-ignet
  2066. bragg-ignet2
  2067. bragg-ignet3
  2068. bragg-jacs
  2069. bragg-jacs5072
  2070. bragg-mil-tac
  2071. bragg-perddims
  2072. bragg-tcaccis
  2073. brain dump
  2074. brain-damaged
  2075. brain-dead
  2076. brain-gate
  2077. brain-wave
  2078. branch delay slot
  2079. branch exchange
  2080. branch to Fishkill
  2081. bread crumbs
  2082. breadth first search
  2083. break-even point
  2084. breath-of-life packet
  2085. brem-fmpmis
  2086. bremerhave-asims
  2087. bremerhave-emh1
  2088. bremerhaven-mil-tac
  2089. brewster-gate
  2090. bring X to its knees
  2091. brl-adm
  2092. brl-aos
  2093. brl-cdcnet
  2094. brl-cdcnet-tuser
  2095. brl-cyber
  2096. brl-fe2
  2097. brl-ibd
  2098. brl-ice
  2099. brl-lfd
  2100. brl-limagen
  2101. brl-lnbi51
  2102. brl-lnbi52
  2103. brl-lnbi64
  2104. brl-lsg1
  2105. brl-lsg2
  2106. brl-ltek1
  2107. brl-ltek2
  2108. brl-ltek3
  2109. brl-lvax
  2110. brl-mil-tac
  2111. brl-patton
  2112. brl-patton-lo
  2113. brl-patton-scp
  2114. brl-patton-scp-lo
  2115. brl-sad
  2116. brl-sage
  2117. brl-sal
  2118. brl-sam
  2119. brl-sap
  2120. brl-sas
  2121. brl-sat
  2122. brl-sax
  2123. brl-sbfy
  2124. brl-sdemo1
  2125. brl-sdemo2
  2126. brl-sec
  2127. brl-sem
  2128. brl-slim
  2129. brl-slmi
  2130. brl-smoke
  2131. brl-spark
  2132. brl-stest
  2133. brl-stix
  2134. brl-svc
  2135. brl-sym
  2136. brl-tac1
  2137. brl-tac2
  2138. brl-tac3
  2139. brl-tac4
  2140. brl-tbd
  2141. brl-tgr
  2142. brl-thud
  2143. brl-tiris1
  2144. brl-ttek1
  2145. brl-ttek2
  2146. brl-valve
  2147. brl-vapor
  2148. brl-vargas
  2149. brl-vase
  2150. brl-vat
  2151. brl-vcr
  2152. brl-vector
  2153. brl-veer
  2154. brl-veil
  2155. brl-venom
  2156. brl-vest
  2157. brl-vgr
  2158. brl-vice
  2159. brl-video
  2160. brl-view
  2161. brl-vim
  2162. brl-viper
  2163. brl-virus
  2164. brl-visor
  2165. brl-vista
  2166. brl-vital
  2167. brl-viva
  2168. brl-vmb
  2169. brl-voc
  2170. brl-vodka
  2171. brl-voice
  2172. brl-volt
  2173. brl-zap
  2174. brl-zap2
  2175. brl-zap3
  2176. brl-zap4
  2177. brl-zap5
  2178. brl-zap6
  2179. brl-zap7
  2180. brl-zip
  2181. brl-zip2
  2182. brl-zip3
  2183. brm-asims
  2184. broadcast storm
  2185. broken arrow
  2186. broken-moon
  2187. brooks-am1
  2188. brooks-mil-tac
  2189. brute force
  2190. brute force and ignorance
  2191. bu-cs
  2192. bu-cypress
  2193. bu-it
  2194. bu-ma
  2195. bubble sort
  2196. buckner-emh1
  2197. buckner-mil-tac
  2198. bucky bits
  2199. buffalo-cs
  2200. buffer overflow
  2201. buffered write-through
  2202. bug-compatible
  2203. bug-for-bug compatible
  2204. built-in
  2205. burn-in period
  2206. burroughs-dev-1
  2207. burroughs-dev-2
  2208. burst page
  2209. busy-wait
  2210. by hand
  2211. bzzzt, wrong
  2212. c-17igp
  2213. ca-link
  2214. cache block
  2215. cache conflict
  2216. cache hit
  2217. cache line
  2218. cache miss
  2219. call-by-name
  2220. call-by-need
  2221. call-by-reference
  2222. call-by-value
  2223. call-by-value-result
  2224. cam-vax
  2225. camnet-arnold-r01
  2226. camnet-avon-r01
  2227. camnet-cars-r02
  2228. camnet-cast-r01
  2229. camnet-char-r01
  2230. camnet-columbus-r02
  2231. camnet-eielson-r01
  2232. camnet-ells-r01
  2233. camnet-gunt-r01
  2234. camnet-hickam-rgn-01
  2235. camnet-hickam-rgn-02
  2236. camnet-hurl-r01
  2237. camnet-hurl-r02
  2238. camnet-kees-r01
  2239. camnet-kees-r02
  2240. camnet-kelly-hq-02
  2241. camnet-lackland-r01
  2242. camnet-lackland-r02
  2243. camnet-langley-r01
  2244. camnet-lowr-r01
  2245. camnet-luke-r01
  2246. camnet-macd-r01
  2247. camnet-maxw-r03
  2248. camnet-maxwell-r01
  2249. camnet-mcch-r01
  2250. camnet-mcch-r03
  2251. camnet-mcch-r04
  2252. camnet-ramstein
  2253. camnet-randolph-r01
  2254. camnet-warren-r02
  2255. camnettwo-ramstein
  2256. campbell-asims
  2257. campbell-bks
  2258. campbell-bks2
  2259. campbell-meprs
  2260. campbell-mil-tac
  2261. campbell-perddims
  2262. campbell-tcaccis
  2263. campbllbks-mil-tac
  2264. campbllbks2-mil-tac
  2265. camtr-gw
  2266. can't happen
  2267. cannon-am1
  2268. cannon-piv-1
  2269. canonical name
  2270. capodichino-emh
  2271. capodichino-mil-tac
  2272. card walloper
  2273. cargo cult
  2274. carson-ignet
  2275. carson-perddims
  2276. carsons-asims
  2277. carswell-am1
  2278. case and paste
  2279. case based reasoning
  2280. casey-emh
  2281. casey-emh1
  2282. casters-up mode
  2283. casting the runes
  2284. castle-am1
  2285. castle-piv-1
  2286. cathode ray tube
  2287. cc-demo
  2288. cc-knet
  2289. cc-vm
  2290. cc1-tac
  2291. cc3-tac
  2292. cc4-tac
  2293. cc5-tac
  2294. cca-arp-tac
  2295. cca-vms
  2296. cclhd-sun
  2297. ccngw-su-ucsc
  2298. ccso-vax
  2299. cd tilde
  2300. cd-d
  2301. cdcent-tuser
  2302. ceap-swtim-o
  2303. cecom-2
  2304. cecom-3
  2305. ceee-sed
  2306. central processing unit
  2307. chad box
  2308. chaffe-tcaccis
  2309. chalca-2
  2310. chambersbu-emh1
  2311. chambersbu-emh2
  2312. change management
  2313. channel op
  2314. chanute-aim1
  2315. chanute-am1
  2316. chanute-piv-1
  2317. charleston-httds
  2318. charleston-mil-tac
  2319. charleston-piv-2
  2320. charlstn-am1
  2321. chi-asims
  2322. chicken head
  2323. chiclet keyboard
  2324. child version
  2325. chine nual
  2326. chs-sa1
  2327. cim-tune
  2328. cim-vax
  2329. cinclant-norfolk
  2330. circle-2-bar
  2331. circuit switched
  2332. circuit switching
  2333. circuit-switched
  2334. cit-4341
  2335. cit-750
  2336. cit-adel
  2337. cit-vax
  2338. cit-vlsi
  2339. clark-am1
  2340. clark-am2
  2341. clark-emh
  2342. clark-mil-tac
  2343. class library
  2344. clayton-ignet
  2345. client server
  2346. client-server
  2347. client-server model
  2348. clock rate
  2349. clock speed
  2350. clone-and-hack coding
  2351. closed set
  2352. closed term
  2353. closure conversion
  2354. clouds-rest
  2355. clover key
  2356. clover-cross
  2357. cme-amrf
  2358. cme-durer
  2359. cml-mrl-gw
  2360. cmns-sun
  2361. cmu-andrew-po2
  2362. cmu-andrew-po3
  2363. cmu-andrew-po4
  2364. cmu-andrew-po5
  2365. cmu-andrew-po6
  2366. cmu-cc-download1
  2367. cmu-cc-ta
  2368. cmu-cc-te
  2369. cmu-cc-vma
  2370. cmu-cees-charlie
  2371. cmu-cees-ed
  2372. cmu-ee-ampere
  2373. cmu-ee-faraday
  2374. cmu-ee-gauss
  2375. cmu-ee-henry
  2376. cmu-ee-maxwell
  2377. cmu-ee-newton
  2378. cmu-ee-ohm
  2379. cmu-gw
  2380. cna-eds
  2381. cnuce-sun1
  2382. cnuce-vm
  2383. code grinder
  2384. code management
  2385. code police
  2386. coefficient of X
  2387. cold boot
  2388. collins-gw
  2389. collins-pr
  2390. coltano-mil-tac
  2391. columbia-aim1
  2392. columbus-aim1
  2393. columbus-am1
  2394. com-eds
  2395. comiso-am1
  2396. comiso-piv
  2397. comlab nnhost
  2398. comm mode
  2399. command key
  2400. comment out
  2401. compactness preserving
  2402. compiler jock
  2403. complete graph
  2404. complete lattice
  2405. complete partial
  2406. compressed video
  2407. computability theory
  2408. computational complexity
  2409. computational learning
  2410. computer confetti
  2411. computer ethics
  2412. computer geek
  2413. computer law
  2414. computer nerd
  2415. computer vision
  2416. concrete syntax
  2417. condition out
  2418. configuration management
  2419. connected component
  2420. connection-oriented
  2421. connectionless protocol
  2422. connector conspiracy
  2423. conservative evaluation
  2424. considered harmful
  2425. consistently complete
  2426. console jockey
  2427. constant applicative form
  2428. constant folding
  2429. constant mapping
  2430. constraint functional programming
  2431. constraint satisfaction
  2432. constructed type
  2433. container class
  2434. content-free
  2435. contention slot
  2436. context-free
  2437. continental drift
  2438. continuation passing style
  2439. continuous function
  2440. control tty
  2441. control-C
  2442. control-O
  2443. control-Q
  2444. control-S
  2445. control-transfer
  2446. conus-milnetmc
  2447. conversion to iteration
  2448. convex mailrelay dumphost
  2449. cooked mode
  2450. cookie bear
  2451. cookie file
  2452. cookie jar
  2453. cookie monster
  2454. cooperative multitasking
  2455. copious free time
  2456. copy protection
  2457. copying garbage
  2458. core cancer
  2459. core dump
  2460. core leak
  2461. cork award
  2462. cork-screw
  2463. corona-mil-tac
  2464. corona-pad1
  2465. corona-pad2
  2466. corona-pad3
  2467. corona-pad4
  2468. corona-po
  2469. corozal-mil-tac
  2470. corpus-chr-emh1
  2471. corpus-chr-emh2
  2472. corpus-chr-emh3
  2473. corpus-nas-mil-tac
  2474. cosmic rays
  2475. cough and die
  2476. count-zero
  2477. cpcasey-jacs6311
  2478. cpe-cola
  2479. cphmphry-jacs5480
  2480. cpo-asb-eur
  2481. cpo-asc-eur
  2482. cpo-aug-eur
  2483. cpo-ber-eur
  2484. cpo-dar-eur
  2485. cpo-fld-eur
  2486. cpo-ges-eur
  2487. cpo-han-eur
  2488. cpo-hdl-eur
  2489. cpo-krl-eur
  2490. cpo-link
  2491. cpo-liv-eur
  2492. cpo-man-eur
  2493. cpo-mon-eur
  2494. cpo-mun-eur
  2495. cpo-nur-eur
  2496. cpo-prm-eur
  2497. cpo-sch-eur
  2498. cpo-vic-eur
  2499. cpo-wie-eur
  2500. cpo-zwi-eur
  2501. cpzama-jacs6350
  2502. crack root
  2503. crane-emh1
  2504. crane-poe
  2505. crane-tep
  2506. crane-tep-mil-tac
  2507. crash and burn
  2508. crawling horror
  2509. crayola books
  2510. crdec-cml
  2511. crdec-dmo
  2512. crdec-padea
  2513. crdec-rsch0
  2514. crdec-rsch1
  2515. crdec-rsch2
  2516. crdec-rsch3
  2517. crdec-rsch4
  2518. crdec-rsch5
  2519. crdec-rsch6
  2520. crdec-se
  2521. crdec-se2
  2522. crdec-tac
  2523. crdec-tmv
  2524. crdec-tu1
  2525. crdec-vax2
  2526. crdec-vax3
  2527. crdec-vax4
  2528. creeping elegance
  2529. creeping featurism
  2530. creeping featuritis
  2531. critical mass
  2532. cross software
  2533. cross-assembler
  2534. cross-compiler
  2535. cross-post
  2536. croughton-mil-tac
  2537. cruft together
  2538. cruncha cruncha
  2539. cs-ee
  2540. cs-gw
  2541. cs-luke
  2542. cs-umass
  2543. csc-lons
  2544. cscie-ci
  2545. csnet-relay
  2546. csnet-sh
  2547. csocnet-1
  2548. css-gateway
  2549. css-s1
  2550. css-s2
  2551. csta-one
  2552. csula-ps
  2553. ctaps-flatbed
  2554. cu-arpa
  2555. cu-den
  2556. curried function
  2557. cut a
  2558. cville-srv
  2559. cycle crunch
  2560. cycle drought
  2561. cycle of reincarnation
  2562. cycle server
  2563. cyclic redundancy check
  2564. d-Prolog
  2565. dBASE III
  2566. dangling pointer
  2567. dar-ignet
  2568. darby-mil-tac
  2569. darcom-mil-tac
  2570. dark-side hacker
  2571. darms-1
  2572. darms-2
  2573. darms-4
  2574. darms-7
  2575. darmstadt-emh1
  2576. dasps-e-562-b
  2577. dasps-e-778
  2578. data abstraction
  2579. data base
  2580. data dictionary
  2581. data driven
  2582. data flow
  2583. data flow analysis
  2584. data frame
  2585. data link layer
  2586. database machine
  2587. database management system
  2588. database query language
  2589. database server
  2590. datalink layer
  2591. david-mil-tac
  2592. davis-monthan
  2593. davis-monthan-mil-tac
  2594. day mode
  2595. dca-ems
  2596. dca-eur
  2597. dca-pac
  2598. dcaoc2-mil-tac
  2599. dcec-arpa-tac
  2600. dcec-mil-tac
  2601. dcec-psat
  2602. dcec-psat-ig
  2603. dcn-gw
  2604. dcso-uibm
  2605. dcso-uvax1
  2606. ddc-gate
  2607. ddn-shadow-mc
  2608. ddn-sun
  2609. ddn-wms
  2610. ddn-wms-pac
  2611. de facto standard
  2612. de-rezz
  2613. dead code
  2614. dead-head
  2615. deadly embrace
  2616. death code
  2617. dec-mr-gw
  2618. dec-vax-11-750
  2619. decco-ak
  2620. decco-dols
  2621. decision problem
  2622. declarative language
  2623. deductive tableau
  2624. deep hack mode
  2625. deep space
  2626. deers-alexandria
  2627. deers-asmo
  2628. deers-camp-hill
  2629. default route
  2630. definite clause
  2631. definite sentence
  2632. definition language
  2633. degrees of freedom
  2634. delay instruction
  2635. delay slot
  2636. delta conversion
  2637. delta reduction
  2638. demo mode
  2639. demo version
  2640. denver-mil-tac
  2641. dependable software
  2642. depth first search
  2643. descent function
  2644. descom-emh
  2645. design recovery
  2646. desk check
  2647. desktop publishing
  2648. detrick-emh1
  2649. detrick-hsc
  2650. detrick-hsc2
  2651. detrick-mil-tac
  2652. devens-asims
  2653. devens-perddims
  2654. device driver
  2655. dg-rtp
  2656. dial-in
  2657. dial-up
  2658. dictionary flame
  2659. die horribly
  2660. dinosaur pen
  2661. dinosaurs mating
  2662. dins-lindsey
  2663. dipped in X
  2664. direct mapped cache
  2665. directed graph
  2666. directed set
  2667. dirty power
  2668. discriminated union
  2669. disk farm
  2670. display hack
  2671. distributed database
  2672. distributed system
  2673. distributed systems
  2674. distributive lattice
  2675. dix-jacs5009
  2676. dix-mil-tac
  2677. dix-perddims
  2678. dlx-gateway
  2679. dm-mdss
  2680. dm-piv-01
  2681. dm-piv-02
  2682. dmc-crc
  2683. dmc-crc-750
  2684. dmcs-tiny
  2685. dmins-3
  2686. dmmis-oc
  2687. dmmis-wr
  2688. dmris-keflavik
  2689. dmris-rsvltrds-pr
  2690. dmssc-bermuda
  2691. dmssc-guantanm
  2692. dna-cafrms
  2693. dna-field-command
  2694. dns-east
  2695. dns-west
  2696. dobbins-mil-tac
  2697. dols-pac
  2698. domain address
  2699. domain theory
  2700. dongle-disk
  2701. dot address
  2702. dot file
  2703. double DECkers
  2704. double bucky
  2705. double-door
  2706. doubled sig
  2707. dover-am1
  2708. dover-am2
  2709. dover-emh1
  2710. dover-emh2
  2711. dover-piv-1
  2712. dover-piv-2
  2713. downward closed
  2714. dpg-1
  2715. dpg-2
  2716. dpg-mt
  2717. drag-and-drop
  2718. drag-n-drop
  2719. drawing-knife
  2720. drawing-mac
  2721. drea-balrog
  2722. drea-dwa
  2723. drea-gorgon
  2724. drea-griffin
  2725. drea-pegasus
  2726. drea-phoenix
  2727. drea-pig
  2728. drea-spu
  2729. drea-wraith
  2730. drea-xx
  2731. dread high-bit
  2732. dreo-ewd
  2733. dreo-radar
  2734. drev-gw
  2735. drool-proof paper
  2736. drop dead
  2737. drop on the floor
  2738. drop-ins
  2739. drop-outs
  2740. drum-asims
  2741. drum-perddims
  2742. drum-tcaccis
  2743. drunk mouse syndrome
  2744. dsac-g1
  2745. dsp56165-gcc
  2746. dsp56k-gcc
  2747. dual ported
  2748. dual-attached
  2749. dual-homed
  2750. dual-ported
  2751. dugway-emh1
  2752. dugway-emh2
  2753. dugway-emh3
  2754. dugway-mil-tac
  2755. dulles-ignet
  2756. dumb terminal
  2757. dumbed down
  2758. dumpster diving
  2759. dup loop
  2760. dusty deck
  2761. dvsmnthn-am1
  2762. dyess-piv-1
  2763. dynamic binding
  2764. dynamic random access memory
  2765. dynamic scoping
  2766. dyson-gate
  2767. e-mail
  2768. e-mail address
  2769. eXternal Data Representation
  2770. eager evaluation
  2771. eat flaming death
  2772. echo cancellation
  2773. ed-br
  2774. ed-dm
  2775. ed-ei
  2776. ed-en
  2777. ed-mb
  2778. ed-san-ant
  2779. ed-su
  2780. edas-scw
  2781. edcars-mcclellan
  2782. edcars-oc
  2783. edcars-oo
  2784. edcars-sa
  2785. edcars-wp
  2786. edcars-wr
  2787. edcs-mainz
  2788. edn-unix
  2789. edn-vax
  2790. edwards-2060
  2791. edwards-am1
  2792. edwards-argus
  2793. edwards-mil-tac
  2794. edwards-piv-1
  2795. edwards-saftd-2
  2796. edwards-vax
  2797. ee-cs
  2798. efe-121
  2799. efe-122
  2800. efe-123
  2801. efe-125
  2802. efe-177
  2803. efe-51
  2804. efe-52
  2805. efe-53
  2806. efe-54
  2807. efe-55
  2808. efe-60
  2809. efe-61
  2810. efe-62
  2811. efe-63
  2812. efe-64
  2813. efe-65
  2814. efe-66
  2815. efe-67
  2816. efe-70
  2817. efe-71
  2818. efe-72
  2819. efe-73
  2820. efe-74
  2821. efe-75
  2822. efe-76
  2823. efe-77
  2824. eglin-am11
  2825. eglin-vax
  2826. eh-1
  2827. eh-10
  2828. eh-2
  2829. eh-3
  2830. eh-4
  2831. eh-5
  2832. eh-6
  2833. eh-7
  2834. eh-8
  2835. eh-9
  2836. eielson-am1
  2837. eielson-mil-tac
  2838. eielson-piv-1
  2839. eight-bit clean
  2840. eighty-column mind
  2841. eighty-eight
  2842. eighty-five
  2843. eighty-four
  2844. eighty-nine
  2845. eighty-one
  2846. eighty-seven
  2847. eighty-six
  2848. eighty-three
  2849. eighty-two
  2850. el-capitan
  2851. el-segundo
  2852. el-segundo2
  2853. elder days
  2854. electronic mail
  2855. elephant-butte
  2856. elevator controller
  2857. ellswrth-am1
  2858. elmendorf-mil-tac
  2859. elmendorf-piv-2
  2860. elmendrf-am1
  2861. elsegundo-mil-tac
  2862. elsegundo2-mil-tac
  2863. email-ansbach
  2864. email-badtoelz
  2865. email-bamberg
  2866. email-baumhldr
  2867. email-cpdarby
  2868. email-fulda
  2869. email-giessen
  2870. email-goeppngn
  2871. email-grafenwohr
  2872. email-hanau
  2873. email-heidlbrg
  2874. email-heilbrn-army
  2875. email-klshzksn
  2876. email-mainz
  2877. email-mannheim
  2878. email-nellingn
  2879. email-neuulm
  2880. email-oberursl
  2881. email-primasns
  2882. email-rotterdm
  2883. email-stuttgart
  2884. email-vicenza
  2885. email-wiesbadn
  2886. email-wldflckn
  2887. email-wurzburg
  2888. embedded system
  2889. emed-vicenza
  2890. en-c06
  2891. enet1-gw
  2892. england-am1
  2893. ep1-gate
  2894. epg1-hua
  2895. epsilon squared
  2896. equational logic
  2897. equivalence relation
  2898. erf-boe
  2899. erf-nah
  2900. error 33
  2901. ess-tun
  2902. eta abstraction
  2903. eta conversion
  2904. eta expansion
  2905. eta reduction
  2906. etaoin shrdlu
  2907. etn-wlv
  2908. eur-milnet-mc
  2909. eustis-aims
  2910. eustis-asims
  2911. eustis-mil-tac
  2912. eustis-perddims
  2913. eustis-tcaccis
  2914. event-driven
  2915. evil and rude
  2916. examining the entrails
  2917. exception handler
  2918. exercise, left as an
  2919. expanded memory
  2920. expert system
  2921. explicit parallelism
  2922. extended memory
  2923. extensional equality
  2924. external memory
  2925. eyeball search
  2926. face time
  2927. fairchild-am1
  2928. fairchild-mil-tac
  2929. fairchild-piv-1
  2930. fairford-am1
  2931. fall back
  2932. fall forward
  2933. fall over
  2934. fall through
  2935. fandango on core
  2936. fas-gate
  2937. fat electrons
  2938. fd leak
  2939. feature creature
  2940. feature key
  2941. feature shock
  2942. feed-forward
  2943. feeping creature
  2944. feeping creaturism
  2945. fencepost error
  2946. fepped out
  2947. fewarren-am1
  2948. fiat-gw
  2949. fiber optics
  2950. fibre optics
  2951. field circus
  2952. field servoid
  2953. field-programmable gate array
  2954. fifty-eight
  2955. fifty-five
  2956. fifty-four
  2957. fifty-nine
  2958. fifty-one
  2959. fifty-seven
  2960. fifty-six
  2961. fifty-three
  2962. fifty-two
  2963. file matching
  2964. file server
  2965. file signature
  2966. fill-out form
  2967. film at 11
  2968. filter promotion
  2969. finegyn-mil-tac
  2970. finger-pointing syndrome
  2971. finite differencing
  2972. firewall code
  2973. firewall machine
  2974. fireworks mode
  2975. first generation language
  2976. first in first out
  2977. first order logic
  2978. fitz-patrick
  2979. fitz-peter
  2980. fitzsimmon-asims
  2981. fitzsimmon-perddims
  2982. fixed point combinator
  2983. flame bait
  2984. flame on
  2985. flame war
  2986. flash memory
  2987. flat-ASCII
  2988. flat-file
  2989. floating point
  2990. floating-point
  2991. floating-point accelerator
  2992. floppy disk
  2993. florennes-ami
  2994. flower key
  2995. fltac-poe
  2996. fltac-sdan
  2997. fltac-sperry
  2998. fly page
  2999. fold case
  3000. fool file
  3001. for free
  3002. for the rest of us
  3003. for values of
  3004. ford-cos1
  3005. ford-cos2
  3006. ford-hou1
  3007. ford-lab
  3008. ford-scf1
  3009. ford-vax
  3010. ford-wdl1
  3011. ford-wdl10
  3012. ford-wdl17
  3013. ford-wdl18
  3014. ford-wdl19
  3015. ford-wdl2
  3016. ford-wdl20
  3017. ford-wdl21
  3018. ford-wdl22
  3019. ford-wdl23
  3020. ford-wdl24
  3021. ford-wdl25
  3022. ford-wdl26
  3023. ford-wdl27
  3024. ford-wdl28
  3025. ford-wdl29
  3026. ford-wdl3
  3027. ford-wdl30
  3028. ford-wdl31
  3029. ford-wdl32
  3030. ford-wdl33
  3031. ford-wdl34
  3032. ford-wdl35
  3033. ford-wdl36
  3034. ford-wdl37
  3035. ford-wdl38
  3036. ford-wdl39
  3037. ford-wdl4
  3038. ford-wdl5
  3039. ford-wdl6
  3040. ford-wdl8
  3041. ford-wdl9
  3042. fork bomb
  3043. formal methods
  3044. fort-lee-tac
  3045. fortune cookie
  3046. forty-eight
  3047. forty-five
  3048. forty-four
  3049. forty-nine
  3050. forty-one
  3051. forty-seven
  3052. forty-six
  3053. forty-three
  3054. forty-two
  3055. forward chaining
  3056. forward delta
  3057. forward engineering
  3058. four-colour glossies
  3059. four-prong
  3060. fourth generation language
  3061. fra-asims
  3062. fra-ignet
  3063. fractal dimension
  3064. frame pointer
  3065. framing specification
  3066. frankfurt-asims
  3067. frankfurt-emh1
  3068. frankfurt-ignet
  3069. free software
  3070. free variable
  3071. front end
  3072. front-end processor
  3073. fs-emh
  3074. fs-emh2
  3075. fstc-chville
  3076. ftbelvor-meprs
  3077. ftbhnrsn-jacs2
  3078. ftbnhrsn-asims
  3079. ftbnhrsn-emh1
  3080. ftbnhrsn-emh2
  3081. ftbnhrsn-jacs1
  3082. ftbnhrsn-jacs5053
  3083. ftbnhrsn-jacstest
  3084. ftbnhrsn-jtels
  3085. ftbnhrsn-meprs
  3086. ftbnhrsn-pbas1
  3087. ftbnhrsn-pbas2
  3088. ftbnhrsn-pbas3
  3089. ftbnhrsn-pbas4
  3090. ftbnhrsn-perddims
  3091. ftbragg-asatms
  3092. ftbragg-ignet4
  3093. ftbragg-ignet5
  3094. ftbragg-ignet6
  3095. ftbragg-meprs
  3096. ftdevens-meprs
  3097. ftdougls-jacs6347
  3098. ftdrum-ignet
  3099. fteustis-asatms
  3100. fteustis-ignet
  3101. fteustis-meprs
  3102. ftgillem-darms2
  3103. ftgreely-adacs
  3104. fth-cochise
  3105. fth-emh
  3106. fthood-ignet
  3107. fthood-ignet2
  3108. fthood-ignet3
  3109. fthood-ignet4
  3110. ftknox-ignet
  3111. ftknox-ignet2
  3112. ftknox-ignet3
  3113. ftknox-meprs
  3114. ftlee-gw1
  3115. ftlee-meprs
  3116. ftlewis-mil-tac
  3117. ftlvnwrt-ignet
  3118. ftlvnwrt-meprs
  3119. ftmccoy-tcaccis
  3120. ftmeade-darms
  3121. ftriley-jacs5008
  3122. ftriley-tcaccis
  3123. ftrucker-adacs
  3124. ftrucker-ignet
  3125. ftrucker-jacs6367
  3126. ftshaftr-jacs6358
  3127. ftsherdn-ignet1
  3128. ftsherdn-ignet2
  3129. ftsherdn-ignet3
  3130. ftsherdn-tcaccis
  3131. ftsmhstn-hsc
  3132. ftsmhstn-ignet
  3133. ftsmhstn-ignet2
  3134. ftsmhstn-ignet3
  3135. ftsmhstn-meprs
  3136. ftwnwght-meprs
  3137. fuck me harder
  3138. fuck-off
  3139. fuck-you
  3140. fue-asims
  3141. fulda-emh1
  3142. full laziness
  3143. full motion video
  3144. full-custom
  3145. full-duplex
  3146. full-motion video
  3147. fully lazy lambda lifting
  3148. fully qualified domain
  3149. function application
  3150. functional language
  3151. functional unit
  3152. funny money
  3153. fuzzy computing
  3154. fuzzy logic
  3155. gafsnet-testhost
  3156. galveston-ignet
  3157. gang bang
  3158. gang-of-four
  3159. gar-ignet
  3160. garbage collect
  3161. garbage collection
  3162. gate-1
  3163. gatech-gw
  3164. gdss-21af
  3165. ge-rsd
  3166. geek out
  3167. general unifier
  3168. generation language
  3169. generic markup
  3170. generic type variable
  3171. genetic algorithm
  3172. george-am1
  3173. george-piv-1
  3174. get fucked
  3175. get laid
  3176. get lost
  3177. get stuffed
  3178. gilabend-am1
  3179. gillem-darms
  3180. gillem-mil80
  3181. glass tty
  3182. go away
  3183. go away!
  3184. go fuck yourself
  3185. go jump in a lake
  3186. go root
  3187. go to hell
  3188. go-faster stripes
  3189. go-han
  3190. goe-ignet
  3191. goeppingen-emh1
  3192. goeppingen-ignet
  3193. golden-gateway
  3194. golf-ball printer
  3195. goodfellow-aim1
  3196. goodfllw-am2
  3197. gordon-ato
  3198. gordon-ignet
  3199. gordon-ignet1
  3200. gordon-jacs
  3201. gordon-jacs6360
  3202. gordon-meprs
  3203. gordon-mil-tac
  3204. gordon-perddims
  3205. gordon-tdss
  3206. gorilla arm
  3207. goto hell
  3208. graduate student
  3209. graf-asims
  3210. grafenwoeh-emh1
  3211. graffenwoehr-mil-tac
  3212. grammar analysis
  3213. grammar development system
  3214. grand-forks
  3215. grand-forks-mil-tac
  3216. grape-nehi
  3217. grape-nuts
  3218. graph coloring
  3219. graph colouring
  3220. graph reduction
  3221. graph rewriting system
  3222. graphics accelerator
  3223. gray code
  3224. gray goo
  3225. gre-eds
  3226. great-lakes
  3227. greatest lower
  3228. greatlakes-mil-tac
  3229. greely-mil-tac
  3230. green bytes
  3231. green card
  3232. green lightning
  3233. grf-ignet
  3234. griffis-am1
  3235. griffiss-am1
  3236. grind crank
  3237. grissom-piv-1
  3238. grnhmcomn-piv
  3239. gsb-how
  3240. gsb-why
  3241. gu-eds
  3242. guara-gate
  3243. gunter-adam
  3244. gunter-am1
  3245. gunter-mil-tac
  3246. gunter-piv-1
  3247. gunter-piv-2
  3248. gunter-piv-3
  3249. gunter-piv-rjets
  3250. guru meditation
  3251. gw-1
  3252. gw-2
  3253. gw-gw
  3254. gw-xait
  3255. h-poirot
  3256. ha ha only serious
  3257. hac2arpa-gw
  3258. hack attack
  3259. hack mode
  3260. hack on
  3261. hack together
  3262. hack up
  3263. hack value
  3264. hacked off
  3265. hacker ethic
  3266. hacker humour
  3267. hacking run
  3268. hafb-sei-de
  3269. hafb-sei-dz
  3270. hah-eds
  3271. hahn-ab-mil-tac
  3272. hahn-am1
  3273. hahn-mtf
  3274. hahn-piv
  3275. hahn-piv2
  3276. half-dome
  3277. halting problem
  3278. hammond-mil-tac
  3279. hand cruft
  3280. hand-hacking
  3281. hand-roll
  3282. hanscom-am1
  3283. hanscom-piv-1
  3284. hard disk
  3285. hard drive
  3286. hard-coded
  3287. hard-wired
  3288. harris-atd
  3289. harris-trantor
  3290. harrison-ato
  3291. has the X nature
  3292. hash bucket
  3293. hash collision
  3294. hash function
  3295. hash table
  3296. hat-up
  3297. hawaii-emh
  3298. hawaii2-mil-tac
  3299. hazeltine-gw
  3300. head normal form
  3301. head normalisation theorem
  3302. head-strict
  3303. heads down
  3304. heath-gate
  3305. heavy metal
  3306. heavy wizardry
  3307. hei2-ignet
  3308. heidelberg-emh
  3309. heidelberg-emh1
  3310. heidelberg-ignet
  3311. heidelberg-perddims
  3312. heilbronn-emh1
  3313. hel-aadd
  3314. hel-ace
  3315. hel-bent
  3316. hel-cat
  3317. hel-cos
  3318. hel-eds
  3319. hel-ena
  3320. hel-fire
  3321. hel-ga
  3322. hel-ical
  3323. hel-icoid
  3324. hel-icon
  3325. hel-icopter
  3326. hel-ios
  3327. hel-ipad
  3328. hel-iport
  3329. hel-ium
  3330. hel-ix
  3331. hel-len
  3332. hel-lion
  3333. hel-lish
  3334. hel-met
  3335. hel-ot
  3336. hel-per
  3337. hel-pful
  3338. hel-ping
  3339. hel-pless
  3340. hel-pout
  3341. hel-raiser
  3342. hel-sinki
  3343. hellenikon-mil-tac
  3344. hellenikon-piv
  3345. hello, sailor!
  3346. hello, world
  3347. henry-ignet
  3348. hewlett-packard-3000
  3349. hewlett-packard3000
  3350. hhsp-ignet
  3351. hi-csc
  3352. hi-multics
  3353. hickam-de
  3354. hickam-emh
  3355. hickam-mil-tac
  3356. hidden flag
  3357. hierarchical routing
  3358. high bit
  3359. high level language
  3360. high moby
  3361. high-level language
  3362. higher-order function
  3363. higher-order macro
  3364. hik-jumps
  3365. hill climbing
  3366. hill-am1
  3367. hill-piv-1
  3368. hill1-mil-tac
  3369. hill2-mil-tac
  3370. his-fsd6
  3371. his-fsd8
  3372. hit rate
  3373. hocus pocus
  3374. hocus-pocus
  3375. hoffman-mil-80x
  3376. holbrook-am1
  3377. holloman-am1
  3378. holloman-piv-1
  3379. holy wars
  3380. holy-loch
  3381. home box
  3382. home machine
  3383. home page
  3384. homestead-mil-tac
  3385. homested-am1
  3386. hood-mil-tac
  3387. hood-perddims
  3388. hood-tcaccis
  3389. hopkins-eecs-alpha
  3390. hopkins-eecs-bravo
  3391. horizontal application
  3392. horizontal loop combination
  3393. horizontal microcode
  3394. host number
  3395. house wizard
  3396. hq-dalo-saa
  3397. hqafsc-ecpe
  3398. hqafsc-ecpl
  3399. hqafsc-lons
  3400. hqafsc-vax
  3401. hqda-ai
  3402. hqdescom-1
  3403. hqmac-asifics
  3404. hqmac-gdss
  3405. hqtac-tacis
  3406. hrc-iris
  3407. hrlbrtfd-am1
  3408. hsc-detrick1
  3409. hsc-detrick2
  3410. hsrp-pent-gw
  3411. huac-mil-tac
  3412. huachuca-asims
  3413. huachuca-ato
  3414. huachuca-em
  3415. huachuca-emh1
  3416. huachuca-emh2
  3417. huachuca-emh3
  3418. huachuca-emh4
  3419. huachuca-emh5
  3420. huachuca-emh6
  3421. huachuca-emh7
  3422. huachuca-emh8
  3423. huachuca-perddims
  3424. hysterical reasons
  3425. i-node
  3426. ibm-arc
  3427. ice-cube
  3428. ics-speech-1
  3429. ics-speech-2
  3430. icst-cmr
  3431. icst-ecf
  3432. icst-ise
  3433. icst-osi
  3434. icst-osi3
  3435. icst-se
  3436. icst-ssi
  3437. id Software
  3438. ida-fms-guam
  3439. ida-fms-subic
  3440. ida-fms-yokosuka
  3441. idafips-sd
  3442. ieln-ntecph
  3443. ifdef out
  3444. igmirs-cidc
  3445. igmirs-coreng
  3446. igmirs-corpeng
  3447. igmirs-daig
  3448. igmirs-darcom
  3449. igmirs-forscom
  3450. igmirs-frankfurt
  3451. igmirs-ft-swb
  3452. igmirs-ftbliss
  3453. igmirs-ftcars
  3454. igmirs-ftgillm
  3455. igmirs-heidelb
  3456. igmirs-kaiserslautern
  3457. igmirs-moehringer
  3458. igmirs-sill-ig
  3459. igmirs-tradoc
  3460. ignet-172d-infbde
  3461. ignet-18thmed
  3462. ignet-97genhosp
  3463. ignet-cphenry
  3464. ignet-cpzama
  3465. ignet-ftclayton
  3466. ignet-ftlewis
  3467. ignet-ftsamhous
  3468. ignet-ftshafter
  3469. ignet-humphreys
  3470. ignet-pr
  3471. ignet-prc
  3472. ignet-schofield
  3473. ignet-seoul
  3474. ignet-tripler
  3475. ignet-yongsan
  3476. ilcn-apg
  3477. ilcn-detrick
  3478. ilcn-fsh
  3479. ilcn-letterman
  3480. ilcn-natick
  3481. ilcn-rucker
  3482. ilcn-wreed
  3483. ill-behaved
  3484. image formats
  3485. image processing
  3486. immediate version
  3487. imo-uibm
  3488. imo-uvax
  3489. imo-uvax1
  3490. imperative language
  3491. implicit parallelism
  3492. inc-eds
  3493. incirlik-am1
  3494. incirlik-mil-tac
  3495. incirlik-piv-1
  3496. include war
  3497. incremental backup
  3498. incremental constraint solver
  3499. indent style
  3500. indianto-tcaccis
  3501. indiantown-asims
  3502. indirect address
  3503. indirect addressing
  3504. indntwgp-jacs5066
  3505. indpls-asafm1
  3506. indpls-asafm2
  3507. inductive inference
  3508. inductive relation
  3509. infant mortality
  3510. inference engine
  3511. inference rule
  3512. infinite loop
  3513. information superhighway
  3514. inochem-gate
  3515. insanely great
  3516. insp-japp
  3517. insp-morse
  3518. instance variable
  3519. instruction scheduling
  3520. instruction set architecture
  3521. integrated circuit
  3522. intel-iwarp
  3523. intellicorp-gw
  3524. internet address
  3525. internet number
  3526. interoperable database
  3527. interrupt handler
  3528. interrupt list
  3529. interrupt priority level
  3530. interrupt request
  3531. irak-am1
  3532. iron box
  3533. isc-doim
  3534. isec-oa
  3535. isi-aikane
  3536. isi-annette
  3537. isi-beebe
  3538. isi-bill
  3539. isi-bobcat
  3540. isi-casner
  3541. isi-clara
  3542. isi-cmr
  3543. isi-czar
  3544. isi-djwalden
  3545. isi-echo
  3546. isi-elvira
  3547. isi-gg
  3548. isi-haberman
  3549. isi-helios
  3550. isi-indra
  3551. isi-lila
  3552. isi-lion
  3553. isi-mycroftxxx
  3554. isi-pallas-athene
  3555. isi-setting
  3556. isi-sun18
  3557. isi-sun24
  3558. isi-taraxacum
  3559. isi-vlsia
  3560. isi-vlsib
  3561. isi-vlsid
  3562. isi-vlsie
  3563. isi-wbc11
  3564. isi-yvette
  3565. isx-uvax
  3566. itsy-bitsy
  3567. itty-bitty
  3568. izmir-am1
  3569. j-cross-j
  3570. j-lazy-j-j
  3571. jack in
  3572. jackson-jacs
  3573. jackson-jacs5056
  3574. jackson-perddims
  3575. jacs-systestofc
  3576. janeb-lan
  3577. jax1-mil-tac
  3578. jefferson-emh1
  3579. jnc-pc
  3580. job security
  3581. johnsville-tac
  3582. joule-gate
  3583. jpg-1
  3584. jpl-aviris
  3585. jpl-elroy
  3586. jpl-gdss
  3587. jpl-george
  3588. jpl-gpvax
  3589. jpl-grscs
  3590. jpl-jane
  3591. jpl-judy
  3592. jpl-mil
  3593. jpl-milvax
  3594. jpl-opto
  3595. jpl-robotics
  3596. jpl-rosie
  3597. jpl-spacely
  3598. jpl-vlsi
  3599. jtc3a-ftmon
  3600. jug-in-shade
  3601. juggling eggs
  3602. julius caesar
  3603. jump in a lake
  3604. jump trace buffer
  3605. k-box
  3606. kadena-am1
  3607. kadena-am2
  3608. kadena-c01
  3609. kadena-c02
  3610. kadena-mil-tac
  3611. kadena-piv-1
  3612. kaiserslau-asims
  3613. kaiserslau-ignet1
  3614. kaiserslau-ignet2
  3615. kam-e
  3616. kam-k
  3617. kam-z
  3618. kamikaze packet
  3619. kangaroo code
  3620. kar-asims
  3621. karl-shurz
  3622. karlsruhe-asims
  3623. keesler-aim1
  3624. keesler-mil-tac
  3625. keesler-piv-1
  3626. keesler-piv-2
  3627. kelly-mil-tac
  3628. kem-eds
  3629. kent-state
  3630. key cryptography
  3631. keyport-mil-tac
  3632. kilborne-asims
  3633. kill file
  3634. killeen-asims
  3635. killer micro
  3636. killer poke
  3637. kinetics-2
  3638. kinetics-3
  3639. kinetics-4
  3640. kinetics-5
  3641. kinetics-acc
  3642. kinetics-bh
  3643. kinetics-bh2
  3644. kinetics-bh3
  3645. kinetics-bomb
  3646. kinetics-boss-mcgill
  3647. kinetics-bramer
  3648. kinetics-ce
  3649. kinetics-cfa2
  3650. kinetics-cive
  3651. kinetics-demo
  3652. kinetics-dh
  3653. kinetics-dhapts
  3654. kinetics-donner
  3655. kinetics-ece1
  3656. kinetics-fratab
  3657. kinetics-fratcd
  3658. kinetics-fratef
  3659. kinetics-fratgh
  3660. kinetics-frati
  3661. kinetics-fratj
  3662. kinetics-fratl
  3663. kinetics-gsia
  3664. kinetics-gsia2
  3665. kinetics-gym
  3666. kinetics-hamerschlag
  3667. kinetics-hbh
  3668. kinetics-henderson
  3669. kinetics-hunt
  3670. kinetics-hunt2
  3671. kinetics-hunt3
  3672. kinetics-mi1
  3673. kinetics-mi3
  3674. kinetics-mi4
  3675. kinetics-mmapts
  3676. kinetics-mmcc
  3677. kinetics-mmp
  3678. kinetics-morewood-ad
  3679. kinetics-morewood-e
  3680. kinetics-mudge
  3681. kinetics-pr
  3682. kinetics-pubs
  3683. kinetics-roselawn1
  3684. kinetics-roselawn2
  3685. kinetics-scobell
  3686. kinetics-sh
  3687. kinetics-shirley
  3688. kinetics-skibo
  3689. kinetics-spare1
  3690. kinetics-ucc
  3691. kinetics-weh1
  3692. kinetics-welch
  3693. kinetics-wh
  3694. kinetics-woodlawn
  3695. kinetics-wya
  3696. kirtland-am1
  3697. kirtland-mil-tac
  3698. kirtland-piv-2
  3699. kirtland-piv-rjets
  3700. kirtland2-tac
  3701. kisawyer-am1
  3702. kisawyer-piv-1
  3703. kitty-chow
  3704. kln-ignet
  3705. kluge around
  3706. knowledge level
  3707. knowledge representation
  3708. knowledge-based system
  3709. knox-ato
  3710. knox-jacs6339
  3711. knox-mil-tac
  3712. knox-perddims
  3713. knox-tcaccis
  3714. kontiki-lan
  3715. kreuzberg-mil-tac
  3716. krl-dpc-eur
  3717. kunsan-mil-tac
  3718. kunsan-piv-1
  3719. kzbgzwbk-nac
  3720. l-d-clay
  3721. l-l
  3722. la-pacdpinet
  3723. labs-n
  3724. lace card
  3725. lackland-aim1
  3726. lackland-dli
  3727. lackland-tac
  3728. lak-eds
  3729. lake-tenaya
  3730. lakehth-piv
  3731. lakenheath-mil-tac
  3732. lamadalena-ncpds
  3733. lambda expression
  3734. lambda lifting
  3735. lambda-calculus
  3736. langley-mil-tac
  3737. langley-piv-11
  3738. langley-piv-8
  3739. langley-r01
  3740. language lawyer
  3741. languages of
  3742. larval stage
  3743. last call optimisation
  3744. laughlin-aim1
  3745. laughlin-piv-1
  3746. lazy evaluation
  3747. lazy list
  3748. lazy sml2c
  3749. lbad-1
  3750. lbad-2
  3751. lbl-csa1
  3752. lbl-csa2
  3753. lbl-csa3
  3754. lbl-csa4
  3755. lbl-csa5
  3756. lbl-csam
  3757. lbl-gw
  3758. ldi-lock
  3759. lead-1
  3760. lead-2
  3761. leaky heap
  3762. leapfrog attack
  3763. leased line
  3764. least fixed point
  3765. least upper bound
  3766. leav-emh
  3767. leavenwort-perddims
  3768. led-pc
  3769. led-zeppelin
  3770. lee-aims
  3771. lee-asatms
  3772. lee-damms
  3773. lee-damms-r
  3774. lee-emh1
  3775. lee-ignet
  3776. lee-ignet2
  3777. lee-perddims
  3778. lee-qmst-ato
  3779. lee-saars
  3780. leg-asims
  3781. leghorn-asims
  3782. leghorn-perddims
  3783. leighton-bks-mil-tac
  3784. leonard-wo-jacs5003
  3785. leonard-wo-meprs
  3786. leonard-wo-perddims
  3787. let the smoke out
  3788. letterkenn-emh1
  3789. letterkenn-emh2
  3790. levenwrt-ato
  3791. lewis-asims
  3792. lewis-emis1
  3793. lewis-emis2
  3794. lewis-emis3
  3795. lewis-gw1
  3796. lewis-ignet
  3797. lewis-jacs5082
  3798. lewis-perddims
  3799. lexical analyser
  3800. lexical scope
  3801. lexington-emh1
  3802. lexington-emh2
  3803. library-pc-1
  3804. library-pc-2
  3805. life-cycle
  3806. lifted domain
  3807. light pipe
  3808. lightning-t-t
  3809. like kicking dead whales down the
  3810. like nailing jelly to a tree
  3811. like this
  3812. line 666
  3813. line noise
  3814. line probing
  3815. line starve
  3816. linear argument
  3817. linear function
  3818. linear logic
  3819. linear type
  3820. link farm
  3821. link-dead
  3822. lion food
  3823. lisp-rt1
  3824. lisp-rt2
  3825. lisp-sun
  3826. lisp-vax
  3827. literate programming
  3828. lithium lick
  3829. little-endian
  3830. little-rock-mednet
  3831. littlerock-piv-1
  3832. littlrck-am1
  3833. live data
  3834. live-oak
  3835. ll-sst
  3836. ll-vlsi
  3837. ll-xn
  3838. lll-aftac
  3839. lll-artcole
  3840. lll-ati
  3841. lll-bach
  3842. lll-beam
  3843. lll-bryan
  3844. lll-carlo
  3845. lll-chopin
  3846. lll-circus
  3847. lll-crg
  3848. lll-dance
  3849. lll-ecstasy
  3850. lll-franksun
  3851. lll-freedom
  3852. lll-gamm5
  3853. lll-helios
  3854. lll-hera
  3855. lll-heracles
  3856. lll-hyperion
  3857. lll-icdc
  3858. lll-lcc
  3859. lll-linopc
  3860. lll-linosun
  3861. lll-liszt
  3862. lll-lorien
  3863. lll-maddog
  3864. lll-magrathea
  3865. lll-mahler
  3866. lll-moonbeam
  3867. lll-mozart
  3868. lll-ncdpc1
  3869. lll-nde-apollo
  3870. lll-nde-argo
  3871. lll-nde-bilbo
  3872. lll-nde-frodo
  3873. lll-nde-mars
  3874. lll-nde-orion
  3875. lll-nde-zeus
  3876. lll-noname
  3877. lll-oasis
  3878. lll-prefect
  3879. lll-primitive
  3880. lll-prism
  3881. lll-sac
  3882. lll-scout
  3883. lll-shine
  3884. lll-shockeye
  3885. lll-soleil
  3886. lll-st1130
  3887. lll-starshine
  3888. lll-sunup
  3889. lll-syu
  3890. lll-teds
  3891. lll-theshire
  3892. lll-tis-d
  3893. lll-tis-m
  3894. lll-ungol
  3895. lll-winken
  3896. lll-zeus
  3897. lm-lab
  3898. lnrdwd-tcaccis
  3899. local bus
  3900. locked up
  3901. logair-gw
  3902. logic bomb
  3903. logic emulator
  3904. logic programming
  3905. logical relation
  3906. lola-gw
  3907. lon-link
  3908. london-emh
  3909. london-ncpds
  3910. look and feel
  3911. loop combination
  3912. loop fusion
  3913. loop through
  3914. loose bytes
  3915. lord high fixer
  3916. loring-am1
  3917. loring-piv-1
  3918. losangls-am1
  3919. lost in the noise
  3920. lost in the underflow
  3921. lots of MIPS but no I/O
  3922. louisville-asims1
  3923. louisville-asims2
  3924. low-bandwidth
  3925. lower set
  3926. lowry-aim1
  3927. lowry-mil-tac
  3928. lowry2-mil-tac
  3929. lpr-netman
  3930. lrc-eds
  3931. lssa-db1
  3932. lsu-mvii
  3933. lucrece-gate
  3934. luke-am1
  3935. luke-piv-3
  3936. luke-tac
  3937. lump uncurrying
  3938. lunatic fringe
  3939. lvn-mil-tac
  3940. mac-apds
  3941. mac-pc
  3942. macdill-mil-tac
  3943. macdill-perddims
  3944. macdill-piv-1
  3945. machine code
  3946. machine learning
  3947. macisin-i
  3948. macisin-ii
  3949. magic cookie
  3950. magic number
  3951. magic smoke
  3952. mail bridge
  3953. mail exploder
  3954. mail gateway
  3955. mail path
  3956. mailing list
  3957. main loop
  3958. maint-prv0
  3959. maint-prv1
  3960. maint-prv2
  3961. maint-prv3
  3962. maint-pub0
  3963. maint-pub1
  3964. maint-pub2
  3965. maint-pub3
  3966. malmstrom-mil-tac
  3967. malmstrom-piv-1
  3968. malstrm-am1
  3969. mannheim-emh1
  3970. marc anthony
  3971. marc antony
  3972. march-am1
  3973. march-mil-tac
  3974. mare-island-shipyd
  3975. mark anthony
  3976. mark antony
  3977. mark-sweep garbage collection
  3978. markov-gate
  3979. martin-den
  3980. math-cs
  3981. math-ibmpc
  3982. math-out
  3983. mather-aim1
  3984. mather-am1
  3985. maximal free expression
  3986. maximum Maytag mode
  3987. maxwell-am1
  3988. maya-gate
  3989. mbeach-piv-1
  3990. mcalestr-emh1
  3991. mcanicsbrg-dipec
  3992. mcchord-am1
  3993. mcchord-mil-tac
  3994. mcchord-piv-1
  3995. mcchord-piv-2
  3996. mcclellan-ch
  3997. mcclellan-mdss
  3998. mcclellan-mil-tac
  3999. mcclellan-mp
  4000. mcclellan2-mil-tac
  4001. mcclelln-am1
  4002. mcconnell-am1
  4003. mcconnell-piv-1
  4004. mcconnll-am1
  4005. mcdn-alb
  4006. mcdn-clb3
  4007. mcdn-cpt
  4008. mcdn-kct
  4009. mcghee-piv-rjet
  4010. mcguire-am1
  4011. mcguire-piv-1
  4012. mcguire-piv-2
  4013. mcl-gw
  4014. mclean-unisys
  4015. mclean2-mil-tac
  4016. mcpherson-darms1
  4017. mcpherson-darms2
  4018. mcpherson-mil-tac
  4019. mcpherson-perddims
  4020. mcs-test
  4021. meade-asims
  4022. meade-darms
  4023. meade-mil80
  4024. measure-pax
  4025. mechanicsbrg-mil-tac
  4026. media-lab
  4027. mednet-beale
  4028. mednet-guam
  4029. mednet-oo
  4030. mednet-sm
  4031. melpar-emh1
  4032. member function
  4033. membership function
  4034. meme plague
  4035. memo function
  4036. memory farts
  4037. memory leak
  4038. memory smash
  4039. memphis-ddmtg1
  4040. memphis-tac
  4041. menlo-park
  4042. menu bar
  4043. menwithhill-am1
  4044. meprs-frkfrt
  4045. meprs-heid
  4046. meprs-vicenza
  4047. merit-tech
  4048. mess-dos
  4049. message passing
  4050. message switching
  4051. meta bit
  4052. metasyntactic variable
  4053. mgp-pc
  4054. mica-aleph-gw
  4055. micom-test
  4056. microb-bioch
  4057. mid-level
  4058. middle-endian
  4059. mighty-mouse
  4060. miisa-01
  4061. mil-80-1bde
  4062. mil-80-2bde
  4063. mil-80-5bde
  4064. mil-80-6bde
  4065. mil-80-per1
  4066. mil-80-sher1
  4067. mil-80-sher56
  4068. mil-eds
  4069. mildenhall-mil-tac
  4070. minet-hlh-mil-tac
  4071. minet-lon-mil-tac
  4072. minet-rdm-mil-tac
  4073. minet-vhn-mil-tac
  4074. minot-am1
  4075. minus infinity
  4076. misawa-am1
  4077. misawa-am2
  4078. misawa-mil-tac
  4079. misawa-piv-1
  4080. missile address
  4081. mit-ajax
  4082. mit-arpa-tac
  4083. mit-athena
  4084. mit-big-blue
  4085. mit-bugs-bunny
  4086. mit-caf
  4087. mit-cls
  4088. mit-dash
  4089. mit-eddie
  4090. mit-goldilocks
  4091. mit-gross
  4092. mit-hephaestus
  4093. mit-larch
  4094. mit-mc
  4095. mit-morrison
  4096. mit-newtowne-variety
  4097. mit-pcgw
  4098. mit-prj
  4099. mit-rinso
  4100. mit-sludge
  4101. mit-strawb
  4102. mit-theory
  4103. mit-tide
  4104. mit-vax
  4105. mit-vx
  4106. mit-xx
  4107. mitre-b-ulana
  4108. mitre-bedford
  4109. mitre-gateway
  4110. mitre-mil-tac
  4111. mitre-omaha
  4112. mjg-pc
  4113. mldnhll-piv-1
  4114. modas-wp
  4115. mode bit
  4116. moehringen-ignet
  4117. moffett-mil-tac
  4118. molly-guard
  4119. monkey up
  4120. monkey, scratch
  4121. monmouth-emh1
  4122. monmouth-emh2
  4123. monmouth-emh3
  4124. monmouth-mil-tac
  4125. monmouth-perddims
  4126. monroe-asims
  4127. monroe-ignet
  4128. monroe-ignet2
  4129. monroe-perddims
  4130. monroe-tdss
  4131. monterey-asims
  4132. monterey-perddims
  4133. monterey2-mil-tac
  4134. montgomery-piv-1
  4135. moody-am1
  4136. moose call
  4137. mopacs-1
  4138. mopacs-2
  4139. mopacs-3
  4140. morewood-ad
  4141. morewood-e
  4142. mosaic-plus
  4143. mother board
  4144. mouse ahead
  4145. mouse around
  4146. mouse belt
  4147. mouse elbow
  4148. mouse program
  4149. mt-home-piv-1
  4150. mtf-2-langley
  4151. mtf-albany
  4152. mtf-altus
  4153. mtf-ankara
  4154. mtf-avi
  4155. mtf-barksdale
  4156. mtf-bergstrom
  4157. mtf-bicester
  4158. mtf-castle
  4159. mtf-chi
  4160. mtf-clark
  4161. mtf-comiso
  4162. mtf-cp-newamsterdam
  4163. mtf-donaugsch
  4164. mtf-dyess
  4165. mtf-eaker
  4166. mtf-edwards
  4167. mtf-eglin
  4168. mtf-england
  4169. mtf-fairford
  4170. mtf-florennes
  4171. mtf-geilenkirchen
  4172. mtf-goodfellow
  4173. mtf-grandforks
  4174. mtf-grnhmcmn
  4175. mtf-gunter
  4176. mtf-hellenikon
  4177. mtf-hickam
  4178. mtf-hq
  4179. mtf-incirlik
  4180. mtf-iraklion
  4181. mtf-izmir
  4182. mtf-kadena
  4183. mtf-kelly
  4184. mtf-kirtland
  4185. mtf-lak
  4186. mtf-langley
  4187. mtf-laughlin
  4188. mtf-ltlrsgtn
  4189. mtf-luke
  4190. mtf-macdill
  4191. mtf-march
  4192. mtf-mather
  4193. mtf-maxwell
  4194. mtf-mcconnell
  4195. mtf-misawa
  4196. mtf-montgomery
  4197. mtf-moody
  4198. mtf-myrtle-beach
  4199. mtf-nellis
  4200. mtf-offutt
  4201. mtf-offutt1
  4202. mtf-osan
  4203. mtf-patrick
  4204. mtf-pease
  4205. mtf-plattsburgh
  4206. mtf-ramstein
  4207. mtf-rmain
  4208. mtf-rota
  4209. mtf-sawyer
  4210. mtf-scott
  4211. mtf-sembach
  4212. mtf-shaw
  4213. mtf-snvtdnmn
  4214. mtf-sosbg
  4215. mtf-torrejon
  4216. mtf-travis
  4217. mtf-tyndall
  4218. mtf-upperheyford
  4219. mtf-usaf-academy
  4220. mtf-whiteman
  4221. mtf-wiesbaden
  4222. mtf-wurtsmith
  4223. mtf-yokota
  4224. mtf-zaragoza
  4225. mtf-zwch
  4226. mtf-zwei
  4227. mtf-zweibrucken
  4228. mtmc-aif
  4229. mtmc-aif-b
  4230. mtnhome-am1
  4231. mugu-mil-tac
  4232. multi-media
  4233. multi-processing
  4234. multi-tasking
  4235. multicast addressing
  4236. multicast backbone
  4237. multihomed host
  4238. multilayer perceptron
  4239. multiple inheritance
  4240. munching squares
  4241. munich-mil-tac
  4242. mustache-e
  4243. myrtlbch-am1
  4244. n00197-navordstalou
  4245. nailed to the wall
  4246. nailing jelly
  4247. naive user
  4248. nalc-pax
  4249. name capture
  4250. name extension
  4251. name resolution
  4252. naples-ncpds
  4253. nardac-cherrypt
  4254. nardac-fran
  4255. nardac-jack
  4256. nardac-nohims
  4257. nardac-nola
  4258. nardac-pearl
  4259. nardac-pen
  4260. nardac-sandiego
  4261. nardac-washington
  4262. nardacnet-dc
  4263. nardacwash-001
  4264. nas-psn
  4265. nas-psn-gw
  4266. nasal demons
  4267. natc-csdrd
  4268. national characters
  4269. natural deduction
  4270. natural language
  4271. natural language processing
  4272. natural number
  4273. naval-shipyd-puget
  4274. navdaf-newport
  4275. navdaf-npt-ri
  4276. navdaf-npt2
  4277. navdaf-pearl1
  4278. navelexnet-chasn
  4279. navelexnet-crystal
  4280. navelexnet-sd
  4281. navelexnet-stin
  4282. navelexnet-ward
  4283. navirsa-phil
  4284. navmedcl-portsmouth
  4285. navscips-nrdcjacks
  4286. navsea-06
  4287. navsea-331
  4288. navsea-hq
  4289. navsea-pms313
  4290. navshipyd-charleston
  4291. navshipyd-longbeach
  4292. navshipyd-pearl-harbor
  4293. navy-misc-80
  4294. nbs-enh
  4295. nbs-vms
  4296. ncad-13
  4297. ncad-emh3
  4298. ncad-erf
  4299. ncad-mil-tac
  4300. ncp-lan
  4301. ncpds-agat
  4302. ncpds-argentia
  4303. ncpds-arlington
  4304. ncpds-atsugi
  4305. ncpds-bermuda
  4306. ncpds-butler
  4307. ncpds-cuba
  4308. ncpds-holt
  4309. ncpds-iceland
  4310. ncpds-iwakuni
  4311. ncpds-kaneohe
  4312. ncpds-oakridge1
  4313. ncpds-oakridge2
  4314. ncpds-oakridge3
  4315. ncpds-oakridge4
  4316. ncpds-oakridge5
  4317. ncpds-oakridge6
  4318. ncpds-oakridge7
  4319. ncpds-oakridge8
  4320. ncpds-oakridge9
  4321. ncpds-pacrto
  4322. ncpds-phili1
  4323. ncpds-phili2
  4324. ncpds-pr
  4325. ncpds-pwcpearl
  4326. ncpds-subic1
  4327. ncpds-subic2
  4328. ncpds-subic3
  4329. ncpds-subic4
  4330. ncpds-yokosuka
  4331. ncs-dre
  4332. nde-apollo
  4333. nde-argo
  4334. nde-bilbo
  4335. nde-frodo
  4336. nde-mars
  4337. nde-orion
  4338. nde-zeus
  4339. neat hack
  4340. neats vs.
  4341. neep-neep
  4342. negation by failure
  4343. nell-ignet
  4344. nellingen-emh1
  4345. nellis-am1
  4346. nellis-piv-1
  4347. netdev-kbox
  4348. nether-wollop
  4349. netpmsa-bangor1
  4350. netpmsa-charl1
  4351. netpmsa-charl2
  4352. netpmsa-charl3
  4353. netpmsa-corpus1
  4354. netpmsa-damneck1
  4355. netpmsa-grot1
  4356. netpmsa-grot2
  4357. netpmsa-gtlakes1
  4358. netpmsa-gtlakes2
  4359. netpmsa-gtlakes3
  4360. netpmsa-kingsbay1
  4361. netpmsa-mayp1
  4362. netpmsa-mayp2
  4363. netpmsa-milln1
  4364. netpmsa-milln3
  4365. netpmsa-nep1
  4366. netpmsa-norfolk1
  4367. netpmsa-orlan4
  4368. netpmsa-pearl1
  4369. netpmsa-pens1
  4370. netpmsa-pens2
  4371. netpmsa-pens3
  4372. netpmsa-sandiego1
  4373. netpmsa-treas1
  4374. netpmsa-treas2
  4375. netpmsa-vallej01
  4376. netpmsa-vallejo2
  4377. netpmsa-vallejo3
  4378. network address
  4379. network layer
  4380. network management
  4381. network meltdown
  4382. network number
  4383. network, the
  4384. neural network
  4385. neural networks
  4386. neuulm-emh1
  4387. new-cumber-emh1
  4388. new-orleans
  4389. newcumberlnd2-mil-tac
  4390. newgroup wars
  4391. newport-mil-tac
  4392. news reader
  4393. newton-gate
  4394. newtowne-variety
  4395. night mode
  4396. ninety-eight
  4397. ninety-five
  4398. ninety-four
  4399. ninety-nine
  4400. ninety-one
  4401. ninety-seven
  4402. ninety-six
  4403. ninety-three
  4404. ninety-two
  4405. nisnet-1
  4406. nlm-mcs
  4407. nlm-vax
  4408. nmra-bioch
  4409. no X here.
  4410. no-op
  4411. no-write allocation
  4412. non-optimal solution
  4413. non-volatile memory
  4414. nondeterministic Turing machine
  4415. norfolk-mil-tac
  4416. norfolk-navshipyd
  4417. norl-mil-tac
  4418. normal form
  4419. normal order
  4420. north-island
  4421. northisland-mil-tac
  4422. norton-am1
  4423. norton-piv-1
  4424. norton-piv-2
  4425. norton-ro1
  4426. nosc-ether
  4427. nosc-secure2
  4428. nosc-secure3
  4429. nosc-tecr
  4430. not ready for
  4431. nprdc-mapcom
  4432. nprdc-pacific
  4433. nps-cs
  4434. nps-mil-tac
  4435. nrao-cvax
  4436. nrao-nrao1
  4437. nrdcnola-u1100
  4438. nrl-acoustics
  4439. nrl-afn
  4440. nrl-aic
  4441. nrl-aquinas
  4442. nrl-arctan
  4443. nrl-b43
  4444. nrl-berwick
  4445. nrl-cbc
  4446. nrl-cel
  4447. nrl-cmf
  4448. nrl-com
  4449. nrl-csa
  4450. nrl-csr
  4451. nrl-css
  4452. nrl-css-s1
  4453. nrl-css-s2
  4454. nrl-curly
  4455. nrl-da
  4456. nrl-dt
  4457. nrl-excalibur
  4458. nrl-gen
  4459. nrl-gizmo
  4460. nrl-gold
  4461. nrl-grout
  4462. nrl-hal
  4463. nrl-iserv1
  4464. nrl-iws1
  4465. nrl-iws2
  4466. nrl-iws3
  4467. nrl-iws4
  4468. nrl-iws5
  4469. nrl-iws6
  4470. nrl-iws7
  4471. nrl-jade
  4472. nrl-jls
  4473. nrl-jm
  4474. nrl-jnf
  4475. nrl-la
  4476. nrl-larry
  4477. nrl-lcp
  4478. nrl-ljc
  4479. nrl-mag
  4480. nrl-mink
  4481. nrl-mms
  4482. nrl-moe
  4483. nrl-mpm
  4484. nrl-ncyv
  4485. nrl-netdu
  4486. nrl-nfe
  4487. nrl-onyx
  4488. nrl-opal
  4489. nrl-ppd
  4490. nrl-radar
  4491. nrl-radar1
  4492. nrl-radar2
  4493. nrl-rc
  4494. nrl-rjkj
  4495. nrl-ruby
  4496. nrl-shw
  4497. nrl-ssd
  4498. nrl-sst
  4499. nrl-tardis
  4500. nrl-think40
  4501. nrl-think75
  4502. nrl-tigger
  4503. nrl-tjw
  4504. nrl-vault1
  4505. nrl-vault2
  4506. nrl-wye
  4507. nrlwashdc-mil-tac
  4508. nrtc-bridge
  4509. nrtc-gremlin
  4510. nrtc-isd
  4511. ns-mx
  4512. nsfnet-gw
  4513. nsfnet-relay
  4514. nsi-gw1
  4515. nssc-det-pera-asc
  4516. nssc-det-pera-crudes
  4517. nssc-pentagon
  4518. nswc-cdc
  4519. nswc-fm
  4520. nswc-g
  4521. nswc-ih
  4522. nswc-mil-tac
  4523. nswc-oas
  4524. nswc-oas-test
  4525. nswc-vax-mil
  4526. nswc-wi
  4527. nswc-wo
  4528. nswc2-g
  4529. nswses-poe
  4530. nsyptsmh-poe
  4531. nta-vax
  4532. ntds-at
  4533. ntsc-74
  4534. ntsc-ate
  4535. ntsc-pac
  4536. ntsc-pen
  4537. ntsc-sef
  4538. nu-calculus
  4539. null modem
  4540. number-crunching
  4541. nusc-acs
  4542. nusc-ada
  4543. nusc-npt
  4544. nusc-wpn
  4545. nuwes-lll
  4546. nuwes-m1
  4547. nuwes-m2
  4548. nw-lpd-gate
  4549. nw-mailgate
  4550. nwc-32a
  4551. nwc-mil-tac
  4552. nwc-sefu
  4553. nwschasn-ord
  4554. nynex-ms
  4555. nyser-gw
  4556. oac-null-gw
  4557. oakland-mil-tac
  4558. obe-ignet
  4559. oberursel-emh
  4560. oberursel-emh1
  4561. oberursel-mil-tac
  4562. obi-wan
  4563. obi-wan error
  4564. object orientation
  4565. object oriented
  4566. object oriented programming
  4567. object-orientation
  4568. object-oriented
  4569. object-oriented analysis
  4570. object-oriented database
  4571. object-oriented design
  4572. object-oriented language
  4573. object-oriented programming
  4574. obl-link
  4575. occam 2
  4576. octal forty
  4577. of AI Programming
  4578. of no account
  4579. off into never-never land
  4580. off the trolley
  4581. off-by-one error
  4582. off-side rule
  4583. offutt-r01
  4584. ogu-emma
  4585. ogu-fergie
  4586. ogu-glenda
  4587. ogu-halisa
  4588. ogu-isabel
  4589. ogu-jemima
  4590. ogu-kirsty
  4591. ogu-lulu
  4592. ogu-mimi
  4593. ogu-nadia
  4594. ogu-ophelia
  4595. ogu-persephone
  4596. ohio-state
  4597. okc-unix
  4598. oklacity-piv-rjets
  4599. old fart
  4600. oldendorf-am1
  4601. oms-nws
  4602. one-banana problem
  4603. one-line fix
  4604. one-liner wars
  4605. ones complement
  4606. onizuka-mil-tac
  4607. op-code
  4608. open switch
  4609. open-a
  4610. operating system
  4611. operational semantics
  4612. opsnet-pentagon
  4613. optical diff
  4614. optical fiber
  4615. optical fibre
  4616. optimis-pent
  4617. optimising compiler
  4618. ord-meprs
  4619. ord-mil-tac
  4620. ord-perddims
  4621. order reduction
  4622. order-embedding
  4623. ordered set
  4624. orlando-emh1
  4625. orlando-httds
  4626. orlando-mil-tac
  4627. ornl-agsun
  4628. ornl-bwsun
  4629. ornl-ddsun
  4630. ornl-dsceh
  4631. ornl-ensun
  4632. ornl-esdvst
  4633. ornl-icarus
  4634. ornl-ipsc
  4635. ornl-msb8k
  4636. ornl-mspc
  4637. ornl-msr
  4638. ornl-mst
  4639. ornl-mstest
  4640. ornl-mthpc
  4641. ornl-ostigw1
  4642. ornl-ostitst
  4643. ornl-ostivax
  4644. ornl-snap
  4645. ornl-stc10
  4646. ornl-topuni
  4647. orthogonal instruction set
  4648. osan-am1
  4649. osan-milnet-tac
  4650. osan-piv-1
  4651. osf-ibm
  4652. osi-2-gw
  4653. oucs vaxz
  4654. oucs white ws
  4655. out-of-band
  4656. overflow bit
  4657. overflow pdl
  4658. overrun screw
  4659. oxdsa dns1
  4660. oxmail dns0 oxmail
  4661. oxphys-gate
  4662. pac-milnet-mc
  4663. pacdpinet-zama
  4664. packet driver
  4665. packet switching
  4666. packet-switched
  4667. padded cell
  4668. page in
  4669. page out
  4670. pain in
  4671. pallas-athene
  4672. pals-1
  4673. pals-11
  4674. pals-149
  4675. pals-2
  4676. pals-3
  4677. pals-4
  4678. pals-5
  4679. pals-6
  4680. pals-67
  4681. pals-68
  4682. pals-9
  4683. panama-emh1
  4684. panama-perddims
  4685. paper-net
  4686. parallel computer
  4687. parallel computing
  4688. parallel processing
  4689. parallel processor
  4690. parallel reduction
  4691. parametric polymorphism
  4692. parent message
  4693. parity errors
  4694. park-street
  4695. parr-lula1
  4696. parser generator
  4697. partial evaluation
  4698. partial function
  4699. partial ordering
  4700. patch space
  4701. patrick-am1
  4702. patrick-lons
  4703. patrick-mil-tac
  4704. patrick-piv-1
  4705. pattern matching
  4706. patton-lo
  4707. patton-scp
  4708. patton-scp-lo
  4709. patxntrv-mil-tac
  4710. paxrv-nes
  4711. pbas-ben2
  4712. pc-49
  4713. pc-a
  4714. pc-a1
  4715. pc-acc
  4716. pc-barry
  4717. pc-bryan
  4718. pc-burnside
  4719. pc-cdec
  4720. pc-dbm
  4721. pc-dbm2
  4722. pc-djk
  4723. pc-drake
  4724. pc-evans
  4725. pc-express
  4726. pc-fds
  4727. pc-fds2
  4728. pc-hales
  4729. pc-jhh
  4730. pc-jones
  4731. pc-larry
  4732. pc-leong
  4733. pc-lobue
  4734. pc-lynn
  4735. pc-mark
  4736. pc-mbj
  4737. pc-nancy
  4738. pc-p
  4739. pc-pgc
  4740. pc-plod
  4741. pc-quan
  4742. pc-satya
  4743. pc-smith
  4744. pc-staab
  4745. pc-susan
  4746. pc-tech
  4747. pc-test
  4748. pcc-augs
  4749. pcc-boeb
  4750. pcc-hqfr
  4751. pcc-moeh
  4752. pcc-nell
  4753. pcc-obersl
  4754. pcc-vaih
  4755. pcc-vcor
  4756. pcc-vice
  4757. pciii-moody
  4758. pdb-pc
  4759. pds-arpc
  4760. pearlharbor-mil-tac
  4761. pease-am1
  4762. pease-piv-1
  4763. peer to peer
  4764. peer-to-peer
  4765. pencil and paper
  4766. pendelton-bks
  4767. pendltonbks-mil-tac
  4768. pensacola-mil-tac
  4769. pentagon-ai
  4770. pentagon-amsnet
  4771. pentagon-emh1
  4772. pentagon-mil-tac
  4773. pentagon-opti
  4774. pentagon2-mil-tac
  4775. pentsystem-t
  4776. peo-mis-emh1
  4777. pera-asc
  4778. pera-crudes
  4779. pera-css
  4780. peracss-fmpmis
  4781. perddims-hei
  4782. perddims-leg
  4783. perfect programmer syndrome
  4784. perl profiler
  4785. perl-byacc
  4786. perq-dbm
  4787. perq-mbj
  4788. pessimising compiler
  4789. peter-mac
  4790. peter-pc
  4791. peterson-am1
  4792. peterson-mil-tac
  4793. phase of the moon
  4794. phase-wrapping
  4795. philadelphi-mil-tac
  4796. philashpyd-poe
  4797. physical addressing
  4798. physical layer
  4799. pica-aed
  4800. pica-afes
  4801. pica-cdcgw
  4802. pica-cerms
  4803. pica-cie2
  4804. pica-cie3
  4805. pica-iems
  4806. pica-lca
  4807. pica-mcd
  4808. pica-obce
  4809. pica-qa
  4810. pica-qa1
  4811. pica-qa2
  4812. pica-qa3
  4813. pica-saturn
  4814. pica-sqa1
  4815. pica-tmas
  4816. pica-tmas2
  4817. pica-venom
  4818. pica-zap
  4819. pica-zot
  4820. pig, run like a
  4821. pineblff-dsacs
  4822. ping-pong
  4823. pipeline break
  4824. pipeline stall
  4825. pir-ignet
  4826. pirmasens-emh1
  4827. pirmasens-ignet
  4828. pizza box
  4829. pjg-pc
  4830. plaid screen
  4831. plain-ASCII
  4832. plan file
  4833. platinum-iridium
  4834. plattsburgh-piv-1
  4835. play by electronic mail
  4836. pltsbrgh-am1
  4837. pm-prj
  4838. pnstestbed-900
  4839. pod-har
  4840. pod-hon
  4841. pof-har
  4842. point of presence
  4843. point-and-drool interface
  4844. pointed domain
  4845. poj-har
  4846. poli-sci
  4847. polk-asims
  4848. polk-mil-tac
  4849. polk-perddims
  4850. polymorphic lambda-calculus
  4851. polynomial-time
  4852. pope-am1
  4853. pope-piv-1
  4854. port-hueneme
  4855. porthueneme-mil-tac
  4856. post office problem
  4857. post-order
  4858. posted write-through
  4859. pound on
  4860. power hit
  4861. pr-gw
  4862. pr-ignet
  4863. prc-gw
  4864. pre-cc
  4865. pre-order
  4866. pre-order traversal
  4867. predicate calculus
  4868. preemptive multitasking
  4869. presentation layer
  4870. presidio-mil-tac
  4871. pretty pictures
  4872. pretzel key
  4873. prime time
  4874. principal type
  4875. printing discussion
  4876. priority interrupt
  4877. priority queue
  4878. procedural language
  4879. process scheduling
  4880. professional programming
  4881. programming fluid
  4882. project assurance
  4883. project management
  4884. project planning
  4885. propeller head
  4886. propeller key
  4887. propositional calculus
  4888. protocol converter
  4889. protocol stack
  4890. provably difficult
  4891. provably unsolvable
  4892. proxy ARP
  4893. prpnet-gw
  4894. psc-gw1
  4895. psc-gw3
  4896. psdsnfnc-darms
  4897. pseudo-tty
  4898. psntestbed-900
  4899. pubic directory
  4900. public domain
  4901. public domain software
  4902. public key encryption
  4903. public licence
  4904. pucc-s
  4905. pucc-t
  4906. puget-sound
  4907. pugetsound-mil-tac
  4908. punched card
  4909. purdue-cs-gw
  4910. purdue-maxwell
  4911. purdue-newton
  4912. purdue-pendragon
  4913. pure functional
  4914. pure lambda-calculus
  4915. purple wire
  4916. pyramid-amc
  4917. quadruple bucky
  4918. quick-and-dirty
  4919. quien-sabe
  4920. quote chapter and verse
  4921. r-up-and-down
  4922. rabbit job
  4923. radc-arpa-tac
  4924. radc-eastlonex
  4925. radc-lonex
  4926. radc-mil-tac
  4927. radc-multics
  4928. radc-softvax
  4929. radc-tops20
  4930. radmis-onr
  4931. rainbow series
  4932. ram-eds
  4933. ram-emc
  4934. ram-esims
  4935. ramstein-mil-tac
  4936. ramstein-piv-1
  4937. ramstein2-emh
  4938. ramstein2-mil-tac
  4939. rand-arpa-tac
  4940. rand-unix
  4941. randolph-aim1
  4942. randolph-mil-tac
  4943. randolph-pc3
  4944. randolph-piv-1
  4945. randolph-piv-3
  4946. randolph2-mil-tac
  4947. randolph2-pc3
  4948. randolph3-mil-tac
  4949. random access memory
  4950. random numbers
  4951. random-access memory
  4952. rare mode
  4953. raster blaster
  4954. raster burn
  4955. rat belt
  4956. rave on!
  4957. raw mode
  4958. ray tracing
  4959. ray-tracing
  4960. rc file
  4961. rdb-bdm
  4962. rdb-oc
  4963. rdb-oo
  4964. rdb-sm
  4965. rdm-link
  4966. re-engineering
  4967. re-entrant
  4968. read-only user
  4969. real estate
  4970. real hack
  4971. real operating system
  4972. real time
  4973. real user
  4974. real-time
  4975. reality check
  4976. rectangle slinger
  4977. recursive acronym
  4978. recursive type
  4979. red wire
  4980. redriver-ad-emh1
  4981. redriver-iems
  4982. redstone-ato
  4983. redstone-emh1
  4984. redstone-emh2
  4985. redstone-emh3
  4986. redstone-emh4
  4987. redstone-mil-tac
  4988. redstone-perddims
  4989. reduction strategy
  4990. reese-aim1
  4991. reference counting
  4992. referential transparency
  4993. refresh rate
  4994. regional network
  4995. register allocation
  4996. register assignment
  4997. register set
  4998. register spilling
  4999. regular expression
  5000. regular graph
  5001. reincarnation, cycle of
  5002. reinvent the wheel
  5003. relational database management system
  5004. relational language
  5005. relay-nswc
  5006. released version
  5007. reliable communication
  5008. religion of CHI
  5009. religious issues
  5010. remis-tinker
  5011. remis-tinker2
  5012. remis-wr
  5013. remote login
  5014. reno-piv-rjet
  5015. resource-pc
  5016. reston-dcec
  5017. return from the dead
  5018. reverse engineering
  5019. rhe-eds
  5020. rheinberg-emh1
  5021. rheinberg-jacs8460
  5022. rheinmain-am1
  5023. rheinman-piv-1
  5024. ri2-dsacs
  5025. ria-1
  5026. ria-2
  5027. ria-3
  5028. ria-dsacs
  5029. ria-emh1
  5030. ria-emh2
  5031. rib site
  5032. rice box
  5033. rich object
  5034. richards-tcaccis
  5035. richardson-ignet
  5036. richardson-perddims
  5037. right) logical
  5038. riley-meprs
  5039. riley-perddims
  5040. rio-grande
  5041. risc-gw
  5042. ritchie-asims
  5043. ritchie-emh
  5044. ritchie-emh1
  5045. ritchie-perddims
  5046. ritchie2-mil-tac
  5047. rjets-mtview
  5048. roberts-mil-tac
  5049. robin-gate
  5050. robins-am1
  5051. robins-mil-tac
  5052. robins-pc3
  5053. robins-piv-1
  5054. robins-piv-2
  5055. robins2-mil-tac
  5056. robinson-mil-tac
  5057. rock-island
  5058. rockisland-mil-tac
  5059. room-temperature IQ
  5060. root mode
  5061. rota-mil-tac
  5062. rota-ncpds
  5063. rotary debugger
  5064. rotational latency
  5065. rotterdam-emh1
  5066. round tape
  5067. round-trip time
  5068. routing domain
  5069. rucker-asims
  5070. rucker-ato
  5071. rucker-emh2
  5072. rucker-meprs
  5073. rucker-mil-tac
  5074. rucker-perddims
  5075. rucker-safety
  5076. rucker-tcaccis
  5077. run time
  5078. run-length encoding
  5079. run-time
  5080. running-sac
  5081. rusty iron
  5082. rusty memory
  5083. s-holmes
  5084. s1-b
  5085. s1-c
  5086. saad-emh1
  5087. sac-apds
  5088. sac-ether-gw
  5089. sac-misc3
  5090. sac-misc6
  5091. sac1-mil-tac
  5092. sac2-mil-tac
  5093. sacramento-mil-tac
  5094. safety-critical system
  5095. saic-cpvb
  5096. saint-louis
  5097. saint-louis2
  5098. salk-adm
  5099. salk-sci
  5100. salt mines
  5101. salt substrate
  5102. saltlcy-unisys
  5103. sam-housto-darms
  5104. sam-housto-emh1
  5105. sam-housto-ignet
  5106. sam-housto-mil80
  5107. sam-housto-perddims
  5108. sam-houston
  5109. same-day service
  5110. samhouston-mil-tac
  5111. san-antonio
  5112. san-diego-mil-tac
  5113. san-eds
  5114. san-franci-asims
  5115. san-franci-darms
  5116. san-franci-emh2
  5117. san-franci-jacs
  5118. san-franci-jacs5058
  5119. san-franci-mil80
  5120. san-franci-perddims
  5121. san-jacinto
  5122. sananton-asatms
  5123. sancho-panza
  5124. sandia-2
  5125. sandiego-httds
  5126. sandiego-tac
  5127. sandston-piv-rjets
  5128. sanfran-fmpmis
  5129. sanvito-am1
  5130. satisfiability problem
  5131. sc-d-oc
  5132. sccgate-gw
  5133. sch-asims
  5134. sch-ignet
  5135. schematic capture
  5136. schematic type variable
  5137. schfldbk-jacs5550
  5138. schofield-ignet
  5139. schweinfur-emh1
  5140. science-fiction fandom
  5141. scott-mil-tac
  5142. scott-oa1
  5143. scott-oa2
  5144. scott-piv-3
  5145. scott2-mil-tac
  5146. scram switch
  5147. scratch monkey
  5148. scrc-mighty-mouse
  5149. scrc-pegasus
  5150. scrc-quabbin
  5151. scrc-riverside
  5152. scrc-stony-brook
  5153. scrc-vallecito
  5154. scrc-yukon
  5155. scream and die
  5156. screaming tty
  5157. scwabisch-ignet
  5158. sd-at
  5159. sd-mercury
  5160. sd-vax
  5161. sds-cda1
  5162. sds-cda2
  5163. sds-cda3
  5164. sds-charlsa
  5165. sds-corpusa
  5166. sds-fepclev
  5167. sds-glakesa
  5168. sds-hawaii
  5169. sds-hawaiia
  5170. sds-jaxvlea
  5171. sds-lngbcha
  5172. sds-mema
  5173. sds-newldna
  5174. sds-newlnda
  5175. sds-neworla
  5176. sds-newpora
  5177. sds-norflka
  5178. sds-penscoa
  5179. sds-pugeta
  5180. sds-pugetsa
  5181. sds-sandgoa
  5182. sds-sandgoe
  5183. sds-sanfrna
  5184. sdsc-a
  5185. sdsc-lola
  5186. sdsc-luac
  5187. sdsc-sds
  5188. seacenlant-portsmth
  5189. search problem
  5190. search-and-destroy mode
  5191. sec-ignet
  5192. seckenheim-emh
  5193. seckenheim-emh1
  5194. seckenheim-emh2
  5195. seckenheim-emh4
  5196. seckenheim-ignet
  5197. second generation
  5198. second-system effect
  5199. secondary cache
  5200. secondary damage
  5201. sector interleave
  5202. sector map
  5203. sector mapping
  5204. security through obscurity
  5205. segmentation fault
  5206. sei-hafb-de
  5207. sei-hafb-dz
  5208. self-reference
  5209. sem-am1
  5210. sem-eds
  5211. semantic gap
  5212. sembach-decco
  5213. sembach-mil-tac
  5214. sembach-piv
  5215. senior bit
  5216. sentinel-rock
  5217. seoul-emh1
  5218. seoul-ignet
  5219. serial line
  5220. serial port
  5221. session layer
  5222. set abstraction
  5223. set associative cache
  5224. seven layer model
  5225. seventy-eight
  5226. seventy-five
  5227. seventy-four
  5228. seventy-nine
  5229. seventy-one
  5230. seventy-seven
  5231. seventy-six
  5232. seventy-three
  5233. seventy-two
  5234. sex changer
  5235. sey-john-piv
  5236. seymour-jhnsn
  5237. seymour-jhnsn-tac
  5238. sf-emh1
  5239. sfts-campbell-ky04
  5240. sfts-hanaugr01
  5241. sfts-hood-tx02
  5242. sfts-lewis-wa02
  5243. sg-hickam
  5244. sgm-ignet
  5245. sgt-lewis
  5246. shafter-asims
  5247. shafter-ignet
  5248. shaftr-mil-tac
  5249. shallow binding
  5250. shar file
  5251. sharpe-emh1
  5252. sharpe-mil-tac
  5253. shaw-am1
  5254. shaw-piv-1
  5255. shell out
  5256. sheppard-am1
  5257. sheppard-piv-1
  5258. sheridan-asims2
  5259. sheridan-darms
  5260. sheridan-mil-tac
  5261. sheridan-mil801
  5262. sheridan-mil802
  5263. sheridan-perddims
  5264. sheridon-darms
  5265. shift left (or
  5266. ships-donoacs
  5267. shit-head
  5268. short card
  5269. shotgun debugging
  5270. side-effect
  5271. sig block
  5272. sig quote
  5273. sig virus
  5274. sig-ncpds
  5275. signal-to-noise ratio
  5276. sigonella-mil-tac
  5277. sill-ato
  5278. sill-emh1
  5279. sill-ignet
  5280. sill-jacs6343
  5281. sill-mil-tac
  5282. sill-perddims
  5283. silly walk
  5284. simulated annealing
  5285. since time T equals minus infinity
  5286. sine wave
  5287. singer-als
  5288. single assignment
  5289. single inheritance
  5290. single-attached
  5291. sixty-eight
  5292. sixty-five
  5293. sixty-four
  5294. sixty-nine
  5295. sixty-one
  5296. sixty-seven
  5297. sixty-six
  5298. sixty-three
  5299. sixty-two
  5300. skl-crc
  5301. skl-mbx
  5302. skl-veng
  5303. slap on the side
  5304. slave tty
  5305. sloan-frank
  5306. sm-alc-c3po
  5307. sm-eds
  5308. smart card
  5309. smart terminal
  5310. smash case
  5311. smash sum
  5312. smash the stack
  5313. smoke and
  5314. smoke test
  5315. smoking clover
  5316. sms-pc
  5317. snag-oc
  5318. snag-oo
  5319. snag-sa
  5320. snag-sm
  5321. snag-wp
  5322. snag-wr
  5323. snail mail
  5324. snail-mail
  5325. snake-in-moon
  5326. snarf & barf
  5327. snarf down
  5328. snow-white
  5329. snvtdnmn-piv
  5330. social engineering
  5331. social science number
  5332. sod off
  5333. soft boot
  5334. software bloat
  5335. software engineering
  5336. software laser
  5337. software law
  5338. software patent
  5339. software piracy
  5340. software pirate
  5341. software rot
  5342. some random X
  5343. sorcerer's apprentice
  5344. sostrbrg-piv
  5345. source code
  5346. source of all good bits
  5347. source route
  5348. source routing
  5349. spa-eds
  5350. space leak
  5351. space-cadet keyboard
  5352. space-tech
  5353. spaghetti code
  5354. spaghetti inheritance
  5355. spangdahlem-am1
  5356. spangdahlem-piv
  5357. spanning tree algorithm
  5358. spawar-003
  5359. special-case
  5360. specific markup
  5361. speculative evaluation
  5362. speech recognition
  5363. spelling flame
  5364. sperry-system-11
  5365. spiked-t
  5366. splash screen
  5367. splice-cherrypt
  5368. splice-norfolk
  5369. splice-tandem
  5370. spngdhlm-piv-1
  5371. square tape
  5372. srf-subic-bay
  5373. sri-aguirre
  5374. sri-aham
  5375. sri-bacchus
  5376. sri-bean-hollow
  5377. sri-bishop
  5378. sri-bottom
  5379. sri-bozo
  5380. sri-chamonix
  5381. sri-clouds-rest
  5382. sri-cowell
  5383. sri-csl
  5384. sri-darwin
  5385. sri-drakes
  5386. sri-drwho
  5387. sri-el-capitan
  5388. sri-evolution
  5389. sri-faust
  5390. sri-forester
  5391. sri-goddard
  5392. sri-gw
  5393. sri-half-dome
  5394. sri-huntington
  5395. sri-huxley
  5396. sri-ibm
  5397. sri-idefix
  5398. sri-inyo
  5399. sri-iu
  5400. sri-juniper
  5401. sri-kearsage
  5402. sri-killroy
  5403. sri-kiowa
  5404. sri-laguna
  5405. sri-lake-tenaya
  5406. sri-lassen
  5407. sri-lewis
  5408. sri-malibu
  5409. sri-manresa
  5410. sri-mariposa
  5411. sri-mendel
  5412. sri-mil-tac
  5413. sri-muir
  5414. sri-nether-wollop
  5415. sri-newcomb
  5416. sri-newport
  5417. sri-nic
  5418. sri-olmstead
  5419. sri-opus
  5420. sri-otis
  5421. sri-ovax
  5422. sri-pandora
  5423. sri-pfeiffer
  5424. sri-pincushion
  5425. sri-pismo
  5426. sri-pnin
  5427. sri-quail
  5428. sri-ritter
  5429. sri-ruby
  5430. sri-sancho
  5431. sri-sentinel-rock
  5432. sri-snark
  5433. sri-sonora
  5434. sri-stinson
  5435. sri-sunset
  5436. sri-swami
  5437. sri-swann
  5438. sri-tioga
  5439. sri-touchstone
  5440. sri-tsc
  5441. sri-unicorn
  5442. sri-unix
  5443. sri-venice
  5444. sri-vogelsang
  5445. sri-warbucks
  5446. sri-whitney
  5447. sri-xitlcatl
  5448. sri-yosemite
  5449. sri-zooey
  5450. ssdf-cdcnet
  5451. ssdf-nos
  5452. st-louis-apperchen
  5453. st-louis-emh1
  5454. st-louis-emh2
  5455. st-louis-emh3
  5456. st-louis-emh4
  5457. st-louis-emh5
  5458. st-louis-ignet
  5459. st-louis-ignet2
  5460. stack frame
  5461. stack puke
  5462. stale pointer bug
  5463. standard semantics
  5464. state diagram
  5465. state transition diagram
  5466. static RAM
  5467. static random access memory
  5468. static scope
  5469. statis-1
  5470. steam-powered
  5471. steps-2
  5472. stevens-tech
  5473. stewart-asims
  5474. stewart-emh1
  5475. stewart-meprs
  5476. stewart-mil-tac
  5477. stewart-perddims
  5478. stewart-tcaccis
  5479. sticky analysis
  5480. stl-host1
  5481. stl-mil-80x
  5482. stlouis-mil-tac
  5483. stockton-dipec
  5484. stomp on
  5485. stone knives and bearskins
  5486. stony-brook
  5487. stream-oriented
  5488. strength reduction
  5489. string reduction
  5490. structural recusion
  5491. structured design
  5492. structured language
  5493. stsci-kepler
  5494. stsci-paris
  5495. stsci-pat
  5496. stsci-rps
  5497. stu-asims
  5498. stub network
  5499. stupid-sort
  5500. stuttgart-emh1
  5501. su-aimvax
  5502. su-amadeus
  5503. su-ardvax
  5504. su-arpa-tac
  5505. su-carmel
  5506. su-cascade
  5507. su-cdrvma
  5508. su-coyote
  5509. su-csli
  5510. su-forsythe
  5511. su-gregorio
  5512. su-gsb-how
  5513. su-gsb-why
  5514. su-helens
  5515. su-isl
  5516. su-labrea
  5517. su-lindy
  5518. su-navajo
  5519. su-pescadero
  5520. su-psych
  5521. su-russell
  5522. su-safe
  5523. su-shasta
  5524. su-star
  5525. su-sushi
  5526. su-whitney
  5527. sub-force
  5528. subnet address
  5529. subnet mask
  5530. subship-pascagoula
  5531. subship-portsmouth
  5532. sucking mud
  5533. sufficiently small
  5534. suitably small
  5535. sumex-2060
  5536. sumex-aim
  5537. sun lounge
  5538. sun-spot
  5539. sun-stools
  5540. super source quench
  5541. supship-bath
  5542. supship-boston
  5543. supship-groton
  5544. supship-long-beach
  5545. supship-newportnews
  5546. supship-seattle
  5547. swapped in
  5548. swapped out
  5549. symbolic inference
  5550. symmetric key cryptography
  5551. synchronous key
  5552. syntactic salt
  5553. syntax directed translation
  5554. sys-frog
  5555. sysr-7cg
  5556. sysr-7cg-ddn
  5557. system mangler
  5558. systems jock
  5559. systolic array
  5560. t-horse-shoe
  5561. t-lazy-rafter
  5562. tac-pc
  5563. tacom-prime
  5564. tacom-pyramid-98xe
  5565. taegu-emh
  5566. taegu-emh1
  5567. taegu-jacs6409
  5568. taegu-piv-1
  5569. tail recursion
  5570. tail recursion modulo cons
  5571. tail-strict
  5572. talk mode
  5573. talker system
  5574. tall card
  5575. tar and feather
  5576. task scheduling
  5577. taukkenun-mil-tac
  5578. tcaccis-bay
  5579. tcaccis-oak
  5580. tcl-debug
  5581. tcp-ip
  5582. tecnet-clemson
  5583. tee-anchor
  5584. teknowledge-gw
  5585. teknowledge-vaxc
  5586. template code
  5587. temporal logic
  5588. ten-finger interface
  5589. teraflop club
  5590. term rewriting system
  5591. term-pad1
  5592. terminal adapter
  5593. terminal brain death
  5594. terminal emulator
  5595. terminal illness
  5596. terminal junkie
  5597. terminal server
  5598. termination analysis
  5599. terpss-mayp1
  5600. terpss-ttf2
  5601. terpss-vallej01
  5602. terpss-vallejo2
  5603. test coverage
  5604. test-docu-sys
  5605. test-host5-x25
  5606. thanks in
  5607. the X that can be Y is not the
  5608. the hood
  5609. the net
  5610. third generation language
  5611. thirty-eight
  5612. thirty-five
  5613. thirty-four
  5614. thirty-nine
  5615. thirty-one
  5616. thirty-seven
  5617. thirty-six
  5618. thirty-three
  5619. thirty-two
  5620. this dictionary
  5621. threaded code
  5622. three witches
  5623. three-finger salute
  5624. three-letter acronym
  5625. three-wise
  5626. tick-list
  5627. tickle a bug
  5628. tiger team
  5629. time T
  5630. time bomb
  5631. time division
  5632. time sink
  5633. time, for sure!
  5634. time-sharing
  5635. times-or-divided-by
  5636. tinker-am1
  5637. tinker-mil-tac
  5638. tinker-piv-1
  5639. tip of the
  5640. tired iron
  5641. tis-w
  5642. tisg-515
  5643. tisg-6
  5644. tits on a keyboard
  5645. titus andronicus
  5646. tl-20b
  5647. tl-vaxa
  5648. to Zero Inverted
  5649. to a first approximation
  5650. to a zeroth approximation
  5651. to find it.
  5652. to understand this
  5653. toadkiller-dog
  5654. tobyhanna-emh1
  5655. tobyhanna-mil-tac
  5656. token ring
  5657. token-ring
  5658. tooele-emh1
  5659. tooele-perddims
  5660. topic drift
  5661. topic group
  5662. topic thread
  5663. tor-eds
  5664. torrejon-am1
  5665. torrejon-am3
  5666. torrejon-mil-tac
  5667. torrejon-piv-1
  5668. total function
  5669. total ordering
  5670. tourist information
  5671. toy language
  5672. toy problem
  5673. toy program
  5674. tr-gw
  5675. tracy-dmins
  5676. transit network
  5677. transitive closure
  5678. transport layer
  5679. trap door
  5680. trap-door function
  5681. traps-wsmr
  5682. travelling salesman problem
  5683. travis-am1
  5684. travis-piv-1
  5685. travis-piv-2
  5686. tree-killer
  5687. trer3-gw
  5688. trer5-gw
  5689. trer8-gw
  5690. triple DES
  5691. tripler-ignet
  5692. troll-gw
  5693. true X
  5694. true-hacker
  5695. tsing tao
  5696. tsing-tao
  5697. tube time
  5698. tulsa-ceap
  5699. turbo nerd
  5700. twenty-eight
  5701. twenty-five
  5702. twenty-four
  5703. twenty-nine
  5704. twenty-one
  5705. twenty-seven
  5706. twenty-six
  5707. twenty-three
  5708. twenty-two
  5709. twirling baton
  5710. twisted pair
  5711. two-to-the-N
  5712. twos complement
  5713. type assignment
  5714. type inference
  5715. type scheme
  5716. u-pgh-arpanet
  5717. ubfly-vax
  5718. ubiquitous computing
  5719. ucb-arpa
  5720. ucl-vtest
  5721. ucla-ccn
  5722. uhn-soon
  5723. uk-satnet
  5724. umass-gw
  5725. umn-chem-vax
  5726. umn-chen-a3
  5727. umn-cs
  5728. umn-cs-ai
  5729. umn-cs-fac
  5730. umn-cs-fsa
  5731. umn-cs-fsb
  5732. umn-cs-os
  5733. umn-ee-vax
  5734. umn-ima-a1
  5735. umn-me-vax
  5736. umn-msi-s1
  5737. umn-phy-vax
  5738. umn-rei-sc
  5739. umn-rei-uc
  5740. umn-rei-ue
  5741. umn-rei-uf
  5742. umnd-cs-gw
  5743. undefined external reference
  5744. undocumented feature
  5745. universal algebra
  5746. universal quantifier
  5747. unix-to-unix
  5748. unix-tounix
  5749. uns-helios
  5750. unwind the stack
  5751. unwind-protect
  5752. upp-eds
  5753. upper bound
  5754. ur-cs-gw
  5755. urban legend
  5756. ursa-major
  5757. usafa-pc3
  5758. usafacdm-am1
  5759. usaisd-aims
  5760. usarec-2
  5761. usasac-mus
  5762. usc-amundsen
  5763. usc-arpa-tac
  5764. usc-arthur
  5765. usc-brand
  5766. usc-castor
  5767. usc-colson
  5768. usc-corwin
  5769. usc-cse
  5770. usc-cycle
  5771. usc-dean
  5772. usc-dworkin
  5773. usc-ecl
  5774. usc-ecla
  5775. usc-eclc
  5776. usc-eriksen
  5777. usc-ford
  5778. usc-gandy
  5779. usc-ganelon
  5780. usc-gibbs
  5781. usc-golem
  5782. usc-groghe
  5783. usc-hector
  5784. usc-helen
  5785. usc-horon
  5786. usc-hottub
  5787. usc-isia
  5788. usc-krogh
  5789. usc-laguna
  5790. usc-liddy
  5791. usc-malibu
  5792. usc-markrt
  5793. usc-mizar
  5794. usc-mouse
  5795. usc-neuro
  5796. usc-nixon
  5797. usc-nova
  5798. usc-oberon
  5799. usc-omdl
  5800. usc-orpheus
  5801. usc-paris
  5802. usc-phe204
  5803. usc-poisson
  5804. usc-pollux
  5805. usc-priam
  5806. usc-ramoth
  5807. usc-rt234
  5808. usc-skat
  5809. usc-sloan
  5810. usc-tethys
  5811. usc-venice
  5812. usc-vivian
  5813. user interface
  5814. user-friendly
  5815. user-obsequious
  5816. usfk-emh
  5817. utah-20
  5818. utah-apollo
  5819. utah-cc
  5820. utah-ced
  5821. utah-civil
  5822. utah-cs
  5823. utah-gr
  5824. utah-meteor
  5825. utah-mines
  5826. utah-muddy
  5827. utah-ruac
  5828. utah-science
  5829. utah-sp
  5830. utah-ug
  5831. utility-coder
  5832. uvaarpa-gw
  5833. uw-apl
  5834. uw-bali
  5835. uw-beaver
  5836. uw-eddie
  5837. uw-fiji
  5838. uw-june
  5839. uw-lumpy
  5840. uw-maui
  5841. uw-sumatra
  5842. uw-tahiti
  5843. uw-vlsi
  5844. uw-wally
  5845. uwm-cs
  5846. vaihingen2-mil-tac
  5847. van-eds
  5848. van-maanen
  5849. vance-aim1
  5850. vance-am1
  5851. vandenberg-am1
  5852. vax vaxd cluster
  5853. vax-x25
  5854. vca-asims
  5855. vd-test
  5856. vector graphics
  5857. ventilator card
  5858. vertical application
  5859. vertical loop combination
  5860. vertical microcode
  5861. vic-ignet
  5862. vicenza-mil-tac
  5863. video compression
  5864. video random access memory
  5865. vienna-gw
  5866. virtual PoP
  5867. virtual cache
  5868. virtual circuit
  5869. virtual point of presence
  5870. virtual reality
  5871. virtual shredder
  5872. visual programming
  5873. visual programming language
  5874. vlsi-cad
  5875. vlsi-test
  5876. vma-test
  5877. voice recognition
  5878. voice-net
  5879. von-neumann
  5880. vsk-aims
  5881. vtms-01
  5882. vulture capitalist
  5883. wahiawa-mil-tac
  5884. wainwright-perddims
  5885. walk off the end of
  5886. walker-emh
  5887. walker-mil-tac
  5888. walking drives
  5889. wall follower
  5890. wall time
  5891. warm boot
  5892. warp-b
  5893. warp-c
  5894. warp-e
  5895. warp-f
  5896. warp-g
  5897. warp-h
  5898. warp-i
  5899. warp-j
  5900. warp-k
  5901. warp-l
  5902. warp-m
  5903. warp-n
  5904. warp-o
  5905. warp-p
  5906. warp-q
  5907. warren-mil-tac
  5908. wash-vax
  5909. washdc-nrl
  5910. washing machine
  5911. washington-asims
  5912. washington-ceasa
  5913. water MIPS
  5914. watertown-emh1
  5915. wave a dead chicken
  5916. wb-echo
  5917. well-behaved
  5918. well-connected
  5919. wen-jay
  5920. west-point
  5921. west-point-tac
  5922. westover-piv-1
  5923. westpoint-asims
  5924. westpoint-emh1
  5925. westpoint-perddims
  5926. wghtptsn-am1
  5927. wheel bit
  5928. wheel wars
  5929. wheeler-emh
  5930. wheeler-mil-tac
  5931. whistles, and gongs
  5932. white trash
  5933. white-oak
  5934. white-sands
  5935. whiteman-am1
  5936. whiteman-piv-1
  5937. whiteoak-mil-tac
  5938. whitesands-mil-tac
  5939. wiesbaden-mil-tac
  5940. wild-blue
  5941. wild-blue-yonder
  5942. will-aim1
  5943. wims-myrtle-beach
  5944. wims-tyn1
  5945. window manager
  5946. window shopping
  5947. window system
  5948. windowing system
  5949. wings-mcchord
  5950. wis-cms
  5951. wish list
  5952. within delta of
  5953. within epsilon of
  5954. wizard mode
  5955. wldflckn-emh1
  5956. wmms-srf-guam
  5957. wmms-srf-sasebo
  5958. wmms-srf-subic
  5959. wmms-srf-yoko
  5960. wms-asims
  5961. wor-ignet
  5962. wor-srv
  5963. working as designed
  5964. workstation Oberon System
  5965. wormhole routing
  5966. worms-asims
  5967. worms-emh1
  5968. worms-ignet
  5969. wound around the axle
  5970. wp-eds
  5971. wpafb-aamrl
  5972. wpafb-afhrl
  5973. wpafb-afwal
  5974. wpafb-afwp1
  5975. wpafb-ams1
  5976. wpafb-avlab
  5977. wpafb-fdl
  5978. wpafb-gw
  5979. wpafb-info1
  5980. wpafb-info2
  5981. wpafb-info3
  5982. wpafb-info4
  5983. wpafb-info5
  5984. wpafb-info6
  5985. wpafb-info7
  5986. wpafb-jalcf
  5987. wpafb-mil-tac
  5988. wpafb-sevax
  5989. wr-hits
  5990. wrair-emh1
  5991. wright-pat-piv-1
  5992. wrightpat2-mil-tac
  5993. wrightpat3-mil-tac
  5994. wrightpat4-mil-tac
  5995. write buffer
  5996. write-back
  5997. write-only code
  5998. write-only language
  5999. write-only memory
  6000. write-through
  6001. write-thru
  6002. wsmr-aims
  6003. wsmr-asl
  6004. wsmr-emh01
  6005. wsmr-emh02
  6006. wsmr-emh03
  6007. wsmr-emh04
  6008. wsmr-emh05
  6009. wsmr-emh06
  6010. wsmr-emh07
  6011. wsmr-emh08
  6012. wsmr-emh09
  6013. wsmr-emh10
  6014. wsmr-emh11
  6015. wsmr-emh12
  6016. wsmr-emh13
  6017. wsmr-emh14
  6018. wsmr-emh15
  6019. wsmr-emh16
  6020. wsmr-emh17
  6021. wsmr-emh81
  6022. wsmr-emh82
  6023. wsmr-emh83
  6024. wsmr-emh84
  6025. wsmr-emh85
  6026. wsmr-emh86
  6027. wsmr-emh99
  6028. wsmr-miser
  6029. wsmr-nel
  6030. wsmr-ramsat
  6031. wsmr-simtel20
  6032. wsmr-traps
  6033. wugga wugga
  6034. wur-ignet
  6035. wurtsmith-piv-1
  6036. wva-1
  6037. wva-emh1
  6038. x-scm
  6039. xait-arp-tac
  6040. xn-gw
  6041. xyp-tp-a
  6042. xyp-tp-b
  6043. xyp-tp-c
  6044. xyp-tp-d
  6045. yabba-dabba-doo
  6046. yale-bulldog
  6047. yale-eng-venus
  6048. yale-gw
  6049. yale-venus
  6050. yellow wire
  6051. yktnpoe-gw
  6052. yngsn2-mil-tac
  6053. yokota-am1
  6054. yokota-mil-tac
  6055. yokota-piv-1
  6056. yongsan-ignet
  6057. yongsan-ignet2
  6058. yongsan-jacs6411
  6059. yongsan-perddims
  6060. yongsn-mil-tac
  6061. yoyo mode
  6062. yuma-emh1
  6063. yuma-mil-tac
  6064. z-spear
  6065. zama-emh1
  6066. zama-ignet
  6067. zama-mil-tac
  6068. zama-pacdpine
  6069. zama-perddims
  6070. zaphod-gateway
  6071. zaragoza-am2
  6072. zero assignment
  6073. zero-content
  6074. zps-gate
  6075. zwe-eds
  6076. zwebrckn-email
  6077. zweibrckn-piv
  6078. zweibrucke-asims
  6079. zweibruckn-asbn
  6080. zz-top